Company Profile

        CILSOFT (Guangzhou) Information Technology Co.,Ltd(abbreviation:CILSOFT Technology,CILSOFT) is an enterprise management software and service provider for domestic small and medium-sized enterprises. It is committed to using information technology to improve enterprise management capabilities. CILSOFT has always been guided by user needs, with enterprise management software development as the core, and has always insisted on independent research and development of software. In the face of industry characteristics and user personality needs, CILSOFT provides users with overall enterprise informatization solutions and consulting, implementation, and maintenance services.
        The founder team of CILSOFT is an early pioneer and cultivator of China's enterprise management software industry, and has been unremittingly developing enterprise management software. The CILSOFT technology team has experts in management consulting, information planning, software development and application, system integration, service hosting, after-sales maintenance, etc., and its research and development capabilities and technical level have always been in the leading position in the industry.
        CILSOFT is constantly innovating, constantly exploring intelligent applications of enterprise management software, and constantly upgrading products to bring the best and most intelligent application software to the industry. Bring the best industry solutions.
        CILSOFT always upholds the service concept of "customer-oriented service". Let customers worry, comfort and rest assured. READ MORE

development path

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company culture

  • Values

    Nothing can be done without trust

  • Corporate purposes

    Customer-oriented, attentive service

  • corporate vision

    Become an industry benchmark,
    Become an independent research and development and continuous innovation enterprise

  • Talent Concept

    People do their best, everything goes well

  • Product Idea

    Keep improving, keep innovating

  • Quality philosophy

    Details determine success or failure, quality determines future

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Contact Us

CILSOFT (Guangzhou) Information Technology Co.,Ltd


Contact phone: Chen Sheng: 13763369893

Fixed line: 020-31079585

Address: Room 1007, Shiqiao Technology Building, Yingbin Road, Panyu, Guangzhou


Contact: Raymond Leung

phone: 96824649

Address:  Level 21, Parkview Centre, No 7 Lau Li Street, Tin Hau, Hong Kong