【Office equipment]】The new design of the interface engine follows the style of Microsoft.
【Development Process】 No code development process, visual process design.
【System Integration】 Integrated business system integration and comprehensive data integration.

【Flexible expansion】 Flexible control flow, accurate report analysis, and rich data interface.

【Mobile Office】 Reduce operating costs, improve approval efficiency, conduct business processing anytime, anywhere, and save communication costs.

【Efficient communication】 Open up information silos, improve the efficiency of group work, shorten the time and process of information symmetry, and improve the efficiency of operations and decision-making.
【Cloud deployment】 Office deployment on demand, enterprise-level standards and reliability.
【Approval process】 Standardize organizational management behavior, make potential processes explicit, make random processes fixed, and make fixed processes more efficient.

【Real-time monitoring】 Monitor anytime and anywhere, visualize management behavior, trace process information, and refine time control.

Software functional architecture
Account management
  • Access control

  • Role Assignments

  • Employee management

  • Login control

  • Group assignment

  • User search

  • Access control

  • Account encryption

  • Account freeze activation

  • Account migration

  • Login log query

  • Operation log query

Project management
  • Project permission settings

  • Project portal

  • Types of section

  • Project division

  • project progress

  • Project documentation

  • online meeting

  • Instant messaging

  • Project inquiry

  • Project changes

  • Project approval

  • Project Acceptance

Personal office management
  • To-do center

  • Process tracking

  • Address book

  • Mail management

  • Personal plan

  • Personal notes

  • schedule

  • Employee log

  • application tools

  • Work Weekly

  • Monthly plan

  • Project information

Content management
  • Basic management

  • Document management

  • Document publishing

  • Portal management

  • Content permissions

  • Content application

  • Document Control

  • User Management

  • Strategy settings

  • Early warning management

  • Display platform

  • Security Settings

Process management
  • Personnel process

  • reimbursement process

  • Project approval process

  • Seal usage process

  • Order Process

  • Quotation process

  • Purchase process

  • Contract approval process

  • Document  process

  • Customer phone

  • Supply Chain Process

  • Fixed asset process

  • Time and Attendance

  • Performance management

  • Report Management

  • Salary management

  • company information

  • Personnel transfer

  • Personnel regulations

  • Announcement

  • Work schedule

  • work tasks

  • File management

  • Report management

Work management platform
Product advantages
  • The best workflow

  • Simple and flexible to use

  • Access anytime and anywhere

  • Intelligent data search

  • System personalized setting

  • High availability clustering

Software application value
  • system integration

    No code dev process
    Visual process design
    Integrated system
    Flexible control flow
    Rich data interface

  • mobile office

    Reduce operating costs
    Improve approval efficiency
    Save communication costs
    Anytime/anywhere business
    Improve OU management

  • Efficient IM

    Improve operational
    Improve decision
    Improve employee
    Improve group work
    Increase communication

  • Flexible expansion

    Shared data model
    Task process automation
    Add new function any time
    Personalized settings
    Quickly adjust operating

  • Approval Process

    Solve information island
    Standardized management
    Latent process dominance
    Random process fixation
    Efficient fixed process

  • real time monitoring

    Integrated approval process
    Monitor anytime, anywhere
    Visualization of behavior
    Process info traceability
    Time control refinement

Project permission settings

Project permission settings
  • Project staff role setting

  • Staff permission settings

  • Role permissions settings

  • Personal configuration

  • Software settings

  • Custom permission settings

  • Digital certificate management

  • Customized permission setting

Project portal

Project portal
  • Project basic information

  • Project members

  • Project log

  • Project leader

  • Project plan and schedule

  • Project budget

  • procurement and picking application

  • Project subcontracting

  • Project tasks

  • Project time report

  • Project Financial Statement

  • Project cost statistics

Types of section

Types of section
Types of section
  • Large projects

  • Medium-sized projects

  • Small project

  • Infrastructure projects

  • Renovation project

  • Productive projects

  • Non-productive items

  • Custom classification

Project division

Project division
Project division
  • Project manager

  • Product Manager

  • Demand analysts

  • Designer

  • Developer

  • Tester

  • Maintenance personnel

project progress

project progress
project progress
  • Project plan and schedule

  • Project schedule

  • Project completion statistics

  • Project progress reminder

  • Project overdue reminder

  • Project summary

Project documentation

Project documentation
  • Requirements analysis document

  • Project plan document

  • Division of Responsibility Documents

  • Project contract document

  • Project Process Document

  • Function documentation

  • Instruction manual

  • Assignment documents

  • Acceptance document

  • Database documentation

  • Monitoring record document

  • Confidential Documents

  • Document management

  • Document backup

online meeting

online meeting
online meeting
  • Multi-party HD video conference

  • Shuangliu meeting

  • Remote conference interaction

  • Share notes

  • Conference Video

  • Conference Audio

  • Conference presentation

  • Meeting summary

Instant messaging

Instant messaging
  • Instant communication

  • Mobile access

  • Collaborative office

  • Share files

  • Creative sharing

  • Share website

  • Video training

  • Online training

Project query

Project query
Project query
  • documentation query

  • Project task query

  • Project plan query

  • Meeting record inquiry

  • Multimedia file query

  • Project staff query

  • Project progress query

  • Project change inquiry

  • Custom query

Project changes

Project changes
Project changes
  • Project change authority

  • Project goal change

  • Project scope change

  • implementation changes

  • Project cycle change

  • Project personnel change

Project approval

Project approval
Project approval
  • Project budget approval

  • Project approval

  • Project contract approval

  • Project plan approval

  • Project procurement approval

  • Project division approval

  • Project investment approval

  • Project settlement approval

  • Project acceptance approval

Project Acceptance

Project Acceptance
  • Project acceptance criteria

  • Project acceptance form

  • Project acceptance report

  • Project acceptance process

  • Project acceptance test

  • Project acceptance approval

  • Project acceptance results

To-do center

To-do center
To-do center
  • Official Document Approval

  • Document circulation

  • Conference notice

  • Agency events

  • Office tools

  • Schedule

  • Work summary report

  • Job application report

  • Project implementation

  • Personal notes

  • Work reminder

Process tracking

Process tracking
Process tracking
  • Project process tracking

  • Sales process tracking

  • Production process tracking

  • Customer Event Tracking

  • Business process tracking

  • Financial process tracking

Address book

Address book
Address book
  • Personal address book

  • Company Directory

  • Public address book

  • Related personnel inquiries

  • Read Unread Reminder

  • View schedule

  • Conference Information

  • information of personnel

  • Task reminder

Mail management

Mail management
  • Personal mail settings

  • Mail Address Book

  • Mailbox management

  • Calendar

  • Mail classification

  • Mail Search

  • Shared document

Personal plan

Personal plan
Personal plan
  • Plan to add

  • Work plan

  • Work log

  • Work reminder

  • Custom plan

Personal notes

Personal notes
Personal notes
  • Plan notes

  • Work notes

  • Agenda notes

  • Personal notes

  • Task notes

  • Meeting notes

  • Read notes

  • Record notes

  • To-do notes


  • Meeting schedule

  • Inspection schedule

  • Business Schedule

  • Purchase schedule

  • Schedule sharing

  • Schedule query

  • Work to-do report

  • schedule reminder

  • Custom schedule

Employee log

Employee log
Employee log
  • Daily work log

  • Monthly work log

  • Annual work log

  • Project work log

  • Log query

application tools

Application tools
application tools
  • Personal office appliances

  • Shared office appliances

  • Software application tools

  • Tool management

Work Weekly

Work Weekly
Work Weekly
  • Weekly Work Projects

  • Work Content Weekly

  • Weekly work summary

  • Work Weekly Query

  • Custom Work Weekly

Monthly plan

Monthly plan
Monthly plan
  • Monthly plan report

  • Project Monthly Plan

  • Work Month Plan

  • Monthly plan inquiry

  • Custom monthly plan

Project information

Project information
  • Project progress

  • Project plan

  • Project documentation

  • Project Inquiry

  • Project division

  • Project analysis

  • Project schedule

Basic management

Basic management
  • New content

  • Content editing

  • Content storage

  • Content browsing

  • Content Preview

  • Content search

  • Authority system

  • Version management

  • Organization

Document management

Document management
  • Upload to create

  • Upload modification

  • Document sharing

  • Document release

  • Online editing

  • Subscribe

  • Notification

  • Check out

  • Check in

  • Version management

  • Document permissions

  • Search

  • Preview

  • Knowledge Map

  • Document backup

  • Document summary

  • Document storage

  • Encrypted storage

  • Log

  • Statistical report

Document publishing process

Publishing process
Document publishing process
  • Document adding process

  • Document deletion process

  • Document update process

  • Permission application process

  • Document archiving process

  • Document borrowing process

  • Document outflow process

  • Process monitoring

Portal management

Portal management
  • Portal

  • Layout

  • Site

  • Page

  • URL

  • Access rights

  • Browse permissions

  • Website extension

  • Website customization

  • search for

Content permissions

Content permissions
  • Document permissions

  • Portal permissions

  • User permissions

  • Access rights

  • Browse permissions

  • Custom permissions

  • Permission verification

  • Rights Management

  • Permission application

  • Permission assignment

Content application

Content application
  • Data Application

  • Smart search

  • Knowledge Map

  • News Platform

  • Notification platform

  • Virtual printing

  • Electronic signature

  • Approval process

  • Form management

  • Report statistics

  • Content Watermark

  • Browse history

  • Edit records

Document Control Management

Document Control Management
  • Template management

  • Project Document Management

  • Contract management

  • Send and receive text management

  • File management

  • Authority system

  • Supplier Document Management

  • Notification Management

  • Sign Management

  • Delivery document management

  • Form management

  • Mail management

  • Browse Management

  • Monitoring records

  • Automatic document backup

  • Document monitoring

User Management

User Management
  • New user

  • User role

  • User permissions

  • Ordinary users

  • Document Administrator

  • Audit Department

  • High-level

  • Access Request

Strategy settings

Strategy settings
Strategy settings
  • Basic settings

  • Version control strategy

  • Data Application Strategy

  • Content Security Strategy

  • Process control strategy

  • Content analysis strategy

  • Event Strategy

  • Archiving strategy

  • Monitoring strategy

  • Log strategy

Early warning management

Early warning
Early warning management
  • Document download warning

  • Document deletion warning

  • Storage space warning

  • Archive failure warning

  • Copy warning

  • Index failure warning

  • Abnormal warning

  • Server warning

Display platform

Display platform
Display platform
  • Unified Portal

  • Mobile portal

  • Cloud disk

  • Publishing platform

  • Management platform

  • monitoring platform

Security Settings

Security Settings
Security Settings
  • Authority system

  • Early warning management

  • Monitoring and analysis

  • Read-only setting

  • Print settings

  • Edit settings

  • Anti-copying

  • Anti-drag

  • Anti-copy screen

  • Anti-recording screen

  • Security Strategy

  • Log strategy

  • Time control

  • Frequency control

Personnel management process

Personnel management process
  • New process

  • Revision process

  •  delete process

  • Custom process

  • Staff recruitment process

  • Staff transfer process

  • Employee turnover process

  • Employee leave process

  • Employee travel process

  • Employee attendance process

  • Job change process

  • Staff training process

  • Human resource process

Expense reimbursement process

Expense reimbursement process
  • New process

  • Revision process

  •  delete process

  • Custom process

  • Project expense reimbursement process

  • Travel expense reimbursement process

  • Special expense reimbursement process

  • Office user expense reimbursement process

  • Other expenses reimbursement process

Project approval process

Project approval
Project approval process
  • Project needs analysis

  • Project plan

  • Project management

  • Project staff

  • Project Information

  • Project initiation

  • Project tracking

  • Project contract

  • Project Implementation Team

  • Project implementation plan

  • Project budget

  • Implementation plan

  • Project internal audit

  • Completion acceptance

  • Acceptance document

  • Project archiving

Seal usage process

Seal usage
Seal usage process
  • Fill in the application form

  • Apply to take out and fill out the form

  • Review application

  • Do not agree to re-apply for printing

  • Review and reapply

  • Printed materials for review

  • Registration stamp

  • Takeaway seal

  • Entry system

  • Archive

Order Process

Order Process
Order Process
  • Customer needs

  • Contract review

  • Quotation

  • Order entry

  • Customer entry

  • Contract signing

  • Advance payment

  • Check inventory

  • Order purchase

  • Purchase inspection

  • Warehousing

  • Order production management

  • Finished product inspection

  • Finished product storage

  • Finished products

  • Shipment

  • Delivery

  • Order statistics

  • Order tracking

  • Delivery

  • After sale

  • Payment settlement

  • Archive

Order return process
  • Return form

  • Return order review

  • Returns

  • Refund

  • Archive

Order change process
  • Order Change Order

  • Order change order review

  • Order change

  • Order process

  • Archive

Quotation process

Quotation process
  • Customer inquiry request

  • Customer quote demand

  • Sales analysis

  • Quotation

  • Quotation modification

  • Quotation review

  • Order confirmation

  • Order processing flow

Purchase requisition process

Purchase requisition process
  • Purchase Order Application

  • Purchase order review

  • Purchase order summary

  • Quotation

  • Purchase order contract

  • Contract approval

  • Purchase order

  • Application form

  • Warehousing audit

  • Purchase storage

  • Purchase invoice

  • Purchase settlement

  • Archive

Procurement change process
  • Purchase Change Requisition

  • Review of purchase change application form

  • Purchase Change Order

  • Purchase application process

  • Archive

Purchase return process
  • Purchase Return Form

  • Purchase return order review

  • Purchase Return Form

  • Returns

  • Refund

  • Archive

Contract approval process

Contract approval process
  • Undertaking department / manager drafting contract

  • Undertaking department / manager review

  • Regional Director Audit

  • Corporate Legal Department / Legal Advisor Review

  • Company Financial Audit

  • Legal person / legal person client review

  • President / General Manager Final Approval

  • Archive

Document sending and receiving process

Document sending and receiving process
  • Draft document

  • Official document draft review

  • Official Documents

  • Official document review

  • Official document sending

  • Documents to be received

  • Official document signing

  • Document processing

  • Official document forwarding

  • Official Document Reading

  • Archive

Customer phone processing

Customer phone
Customer phone processing
  • Customer information entry

  • Customer demand entry

  • Customer complaint entry

  • Customer order entry

  • Customer return entry

  • Customer analysis

  • Customer tracking

  • Customer search

  • Archive

Supply Chain Management Process

Supply Chain
Material Information Management
  • Basic information settings

  • Material master management

  • Material information change

  • Material Information Search

  • Material data report

Sales management
  • Sales basic information settings

  • Customer Information Management

  • Product Information Management

  • Product price management

  • Sales forecast

  • Sales order management

  • Sales Change Management

  • Shipment management

  • Return Management

  • Borrowing management

  • Sales inquiry

  • Sales Report

Procurement management
  • Purchasing basic information settings

  • Supplier Management

  • Purchase price control

  • Procurement forecast

  • Purchasing management

  • Procurement Change Management

  • Purchase storage management

  • Purchase Inquiry

  • Purchasing report

Quality control management
  • Quality control basic information setting

  • Incoming inspection

  • Finished product inspection

  • Shipping inspection

  • Warehouse QC management

  • Quality control data query

  • Quality Control Report

Inventory management
  • Inventory basic information settings

  • Stock transaction processing

  • Inventory

  • Barcode management

  • Inventory period statistics

  • Inventory data query

  • Inventory report

Fixed asset management process

Fixed asset
New fixed assets
  • Use the department to fill in the application for adding new fixed assets

  • Fixed assets table

  • Asset management department review

  • Financial management department review

  • Purchasing process

  • Fixed asset management

Asset changes
  • Asset Change Report

  • Asset management department review

  • Financial management department review

  • Fixed asset management

Asset handling
  • Asset Processing Report

  • Asset management department review

  • Financial management department review

  • Fixed asset management

  • Fixed asset inquiry

  • Statistical analysis of fixed assets

  • Statistics report

  • Analysis report

  • Fixed assets table

  • Asset archiving

Customer reconciliation

Reconciliation information query
  • Basic information query

  • Detailed information query

  • Quick search

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Reconciliation Material Details Inquiry

  • Reconciliation materials inquiry

  • Reconciliation Material Remaining Query

Reconciliation custom settings
  • Reconciliation field customization

  • Customization of reconciliation type

  • Statement Number Customization

  • Print template customization

Invoice document

Basic invoice
Basic invoice information
  • Invoice type

  • Multiple invoices in installments

  • Single billing merge

  • Billing at the beginning of the billing period

  • Invoice by product quantity

  • Invoice by product amount

  • Invoice to be established

  • Loan invoice

  • Ordinary invoice

  • Return invoice

  • Finished product purchase invoice

  • Returned invoices for finished products

  • Invoice search and retrieval:

  • Billing information inquiry

  • Invoicing status inquiry

  • Invoice type query

  • Invoice Quick Search

  • Multi-condition compound search

Billing operation control
  • Invoice export

  • Invoice printing

  • Invoice cancellation

  • Anti-lost invoicing

Invoice report
  • Invoice stickers

  • Shipping report

  • Delivery order for gold

  • Sell gold

Sales return

Sales return
Sales return information
  • Return data sorting

  • Return information inquiry

  • Return details query

  • Return batch inquiry

  • Historical follow-up query

  • Related refund inquiry

  • Related cost inquiry

  • Quick return search

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Return Export Word

  • Return Export Excel

  • Return template printing

  • Return copy prevention

  • Return Loss Prevention

  • Return repair query

  • Return repair audit

  • Return reminder

  • Refund audit reminder

Statistical analysis of returns
  • Return quantity trend

  • Customer Return Ranking

  • Statistics of reasons for return

  • Return amount trend

  • Sales return schedule

Refund statistics
  • Daily trend of refunded money

  • Weekly trend of refunded funds

  • Monthly trend of refunded accounts

  • Annual trend of refunded accounts

Purchase refund

Purchase Refund
Purchase Refund Information Management
  • Refund information inquiry

  • Quick Retrieve Refund

  • Refund composite search

  • Refund Export Refund

  • Print refund summary table

  • Refund Schedule

  • Anti-copy of refund information

  • Refund information to prevent loss

Refund reminder
  • Refund audit reminder

Refund statistics
  • Daily trend of refunded money

  • Weekly trend of refunded funds

  • Monthly trend of refunded accounts

  • Annual trend of refunded accounts

  • Supplier Refund Ranking

  • Purchase Refund Summary Table

Payment management

Vendor payment
Vendor payment
  • Payment Information Inquiry

  • Payment entry

  • Payment approval

  • Quick search for payment

  • Payment information export

  • Payment information printing

  • Payment Statistics Search

  • Payment statistics export

  • Payment statistics printing

  • Payment Loss Prevention

  • Customer payment statistics

Payment operation settings
  • Payment status inquiry

  • Related Purchase Inquiry

  • Related Supplier Inquiry

  • Payment slip export

  • Payment slip template printing

  • Payment slip printing

  • Payment summary table

  • Payment schedule

Accounts payable statistics
  • Daily analysis of accounts payable

  • Weekly analysis of accounts payable

  • Monthly analysis of accounts payable

  • Annual analysis of accounts payable

Statistics of accounts paid
  • Daily analysis of paid accounts

  • Weekly analysis of paid accounts

  • Monthly analysis of paid accounts

  • Annual payment analysis

Salary management

Salary information editing
  • Add salary in bulk

  • Salary details import

  • Salary manual generation

  • Copy of salary table

  • Payroll Approval

  • Approval record query

Salary information query
  • Employee salary summary

  • Query employee salary details

  • Check employee salary

  • Export employee salary print

Payroll customization
  • Salary formula customization

  • Customization

  • Salary category customization

  • Salary group customization

Collection management

Customer collection
  • Payment information query

  • Receipt entry

  • Collection approval

  • Quick retrieval of collections

  • Payment information export

  • Payment information printing

  • Receiving statistics search

  • Collection statistics export

  • Collection statistics printing

  • Anti-lost payment

  • Customer collection statistics

Collection operation settings
  • Payment status query

  • Related Sales Inquiries

  • Related customer inquiry

  • Receipt receipt export

  • Receipt form printing

  • Receipt receipt printing

  • Receipt summary table

  • Receipt schedule

Receivable account statistics
  • Daily analysis of collection accounts

  • Weekly analysis of collection accounts

  • Monthly analysis of collection accounts

  • Annual analysis of collection accounts

Receivables statistics
  • Daily analysis of received payments

  • Weekly analysis of received payments

  • Monthly analysis of received payments

  • Annual analysis of received payments

Financial Statements

Financial Statements
  • Shipping report

  • Departmental Inventory

  • Staff value

  • Sector output

Financial bill

Financial bill
  • Customer statement

  • Loan invoice

  • Ordinary invoice

  • Finished product purchase invoice

Fee application

Fee application
Fee application
  • Application Details Entry

  • Add application with one click

  • Apply for affiliated customers

  • Apply for associated contact

  • Fee application information inquiry

  • Fee application amount inquiry

  • Quick search for fee application

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Approval amount inquiry

Cost usage

Cost usage
Cost usage
  • Cost user selection

  • Cost details entry

  • Detailed related documents

  • Customer Expense Record

  • Shipping cost record

  • Purchase Expense Record

  • Purchase return fee

  • Supplier Expense Record

  • Detailed document related query

  • Use associated customers

  • Use associated contact

  • Quick search for expenses

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Expense usage schedule

  • Expense use template printing

  • Expenses using export Word

  • Expenses used to export Excel

Statistical analysis of expenses

Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis of expenses
  • Daily trends

  • Weekly trend of costs

  • Monthly cost trend

  • Annual cost Distribution cost summary table

  • Customer fee schedule

  • Supplier fee schedule

  • Purchase expense schedule

  • Shipping cost schedule

General ledger management

General ledger
Credential management
  • Certificate Information Management

  • Add credentials manually

  • Voucher import

  • Generate all documents manually

  • Manual batch generation

  • Voucher temporary storage

  • Reverse voucher

  • Quick retrieval of vouchers

  • Credential Advanced Search

  • Voucher export

  • Voucher printing

Period-end management
  • Adjust exchange rate settings

  • At the end of the transfer operation

  • Month end date

Salary management

Salary information editing
  • Edit salary table

  • Payroll temporary storage

  • Draft Salary Box

  • Copy of salary table

  • Payroll Approval

  • Approval record query

  • Unpaid salary inquiry

  • Approved amount

  • Approval automatic reminder

  • Payroll

  • Wage inquiry

Payroll customization
  • Salary formula customization

  • Customization

  • Salary category customization

  • Salary group customization

Time and Attendance Management

Basic Time and Attendance Management
  • Shift setting

  • Holiday Calendar Management

  • Attendance scheduling settings

  • Attendance scheduling view

  • Attendance calendar view

  • Attendance data import

  • Original credit card information

Time and Attendance Inquiry
  • Attendance record import

  • Time Attendance Record Inquiry

  • Single person check attendance

  • Record daily query

  • Attendance calendar query

  • Monthly attendance summary table query

  • Query original credit card information

Performance management

Basic performance management
  • Performance appraisal information query

  • Performance evaluation project setting

  • Performance evaluation period setting

  • Performance appraisal period

  • Appeal Period for Performance Evaluation

  • Performance related salary system

  • Performance bonus issuance time

  • Performance review and approval process

Performance appraisal management
  • Performance evaluation score

  • End of performance appraisal

  • Performance evaluation status

  • Management Performance Evaluation

  • Export performance

  • Assessment print

Performance Appeal Management
  • Appraisal of performance appraisal

  • Appraisal of performance appraisal

  • Approval and evaluation result modification

  • Assessment appeal status management

  • Assessment appeal export

  • Appraisal appeal print

  • Complaint list DIY

  • Quick search for complaints

  • Multi-condition compound search

company information

Company Information Management
  • Company Information Registration

  • Company Profile Search

  • Corporate Culture Inquiry

  • Quick retrieval of company information

  • Export company information to Excel

  • Company information printing

File management

Basic file
Basic file management
  • Employee file registration

  • Employee file batch import

  • Employee status management

  • Education experience inquiry

  • Work experience inquiry

  • Other information inquiry

  • Quick retrieval of employee files

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Salary information

  • Salary Information Query

  • Contact Information

  • Contact inquiry

Employee contract management
  • Contract Appraisal Day

  • Contract termination date

  • Wage category

  • Contract Number

  • Social Security Number

  • ID number

  • Quick search of employee contracts

  • Multi-condition compound search

Personnel transfer

Staff transfer
Staff transfer management
  • Check the positive information

  • Application for renewal of trial period

  • Employee formal approval

  • File status change

  • Quick retrieval of correct information

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Positive information export

  • Correction information printing

Personnel turnover management
  • Viewing turnover information

  • Employee resignation

  • Employee separation approval

  • Change in turnover status

  • Quick retrieval of turnover information

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Exit information export

  • Resignation information printing

  • Analysis of employee turnover ratio

Personnel regulations

Basic management of personnel regulations
  • Personnel Regulation Entry

  • Approval of personnel regulations

  • Announcement of personnel regulations

  • Personnel regulations inquiry

  • Perform status query

  • Quick search of personnel regulations

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Personnel regulations export

  • Personnel regulations printing

Customization of personnel regulations
  • Personnel regulations classification setting

  • Personnel regulations level setting

  • Personnel regulations number setting

  • Personnel regulations approval setting

Announcement management

Announcement basic management
  • Announcement entry

  • Announcement level entry

  • Announcement approval

  • Announcement

  • Announcement inquiry

  • Announcement level query

  • Announcement quick search

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Announcement export

  • Announcement printing

Work schedule

Work schedule
Basic management of project work schedule
  • Project work schedule entry

  • Project work schedule change

  • Project work schedule approval

  • Project work schedule release

  • Project work schedule query

  • Project work schedule query

  • Project work schedule search

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Project work schedule export

  • Project work schedule printing

Basic management of personal work schedule

Work schedule
Basic management of personal work schedule
  • Personal work schedule entry

  • Personal work schedule change

  • Approval of personal work schedule

  • Release of personal work schedule

  • Personal work schedule query

  • Personal work schedule query

  • Personal work schedule search

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Personal work schedule export

  • Personal work schedule printing

Work schedule customization
  • Work schedule classification custom

  • Work schedule staff customization

  • Work schedule is customized every day

  • Work schedule status customization

work tasks

Basic task
Basic task management
  • Work task entry

  • Work assignment

  • Work task status change

  • Work task approval

  • Job task release

  • Job task query

  • Job task query

  • Quick task search

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Work task export

  • Work task printing

Report Management

Basic food
Basic food management
  • Entry application application

  • Application approval

  • Report data management

  • Import food data

  • Statistical analysis of meal-reporters

  • Food category

  • Report data export

  • Report data printing

  • Reporting data query

  • Fast retrieval of meal application data

  • Multi-condition compound search

Report management

Report management
  • Application Report

  • Statistical analysis of meal-reporters

  • Personnel transfer report

  • Staff on-the-job report

  • Staff turnover report

  • Wage statistics report

  • Time Attendance Statistics Report

  • Personnel basic information report

Account management

Account information management
  • Account level management

  • Account nature management

  • Organizational Structure

  • Job role setting

  • Employee ID customization

  • ID number management

  • Communication management

  • Basic information management

  • Quick account retrieval

  • Account freeze

  • Account data transfer

  • Account activation

  • Account delete 

  • Account recovery

  • Account import

  • Account custom sorting

  • Account export

Account login strategy
  • Account binding encryption lock

  • Account number bound to mobile phone serial number

  • Bind signature in account

  • Login IP address restrictions

  • Login MAC address restrictions

  • Account password modification

Account permission management
  • Refine permissions to columns

  • Permission refinement to operation

  • Permissions are refined to personnel

  • Permission to copy / paste

  • Permission refinement warehouse

  • Authority refinement process

  • Clear permissions

  • Permissions off

Module management

Module information management
  • Module level management

  • Module nature management

  • Module number customization

  • Module Quick Search

  • Module freeze

  • Module data transfer

  • Module activation

  • Module delete 

  • Module recovery

  • Module import

  • Custom ordering of modules

  • Module export

  • Module position adjustment

  • Module information editing

Home Control

  • Customize common modules

  • Drag the module at will

  • Module custom icon

Online user management

Online user
Online user operation
  • Online user export

  • Online user IP restrictions

  • Online user MAC restrictions

  • Online user port restrictions

  • Online user status change

  • Online user history query

  • Online user online query

Customer testimonials

The system can be personalized, this function is very helpful to our company

Customer testimonials

The system is automated in many places to build orders, automate processes, reduce manual operations, and help us a lot

Customer testimonials

The search function of each interface of the system is very powerful and very convenient to use

Customer testimonials

I can work at home and see the company's production progress at any time, which is very helpful for my work

Customer testimonials

Great help to our company's information construction

Customer testimonials

Before using the CILSOFT system, it required a lot of staff to make various reports, and the probability of occurrence was very high. Now it is exported by the system, so it does not require such a lot of staff, and the data is accurate

Customer testimonials

The system speed is very fast, although I was not used to it at first, it is easy to operate after getting used to it, the operation speed is very fast, and basically no mouse

Customer testimonials

After using the CILSOFT system, it was found that there were employees stealing materials in time to reduce company losses

Customer testimonials

CILSOFT's implementation team is professional, and every consultant who comes over understands the jewelry industry very well. The service attitude is very good

Customer testimonials

In the past, there was a discrepancy between each customer's incoming and outgoing materials, and now the system counts out, and there is no missed number.

Customer testimonials

Before the quotation, I had to find a lot of colleagues in the department to make the quotation. Now the quotation is performed by the system, which is much easier

【Exclusive customer service】 Real-time response

【Implementation Consultant】 Provide solutions for customers' individual needs

【Training Lecturer】Real-time product training

【After-sales engineer】 One-on-one face-to-face communication training

【Technical Engineer】In-depth demand expansion

In order to let you choose the product that really suits you
We provide an independent, professional and fast free trial service. The trial version has the same functions as the official version. You can experience it by visiting the browser.
If you have any questions, our professional consultants will answer your questions one-on-one. Just tap the following button, you can easily start the trial, come and try it!

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