[Smart Manufacturing Operations] By using IoT intelligence for various types of manufacturing processes (discrete, lean, process, and mixed modes),it drives automation and reduces downtime. Real-time execution ofproduction plan through planning optimization preview.
[Optimized warehouse management] Through machine learning enhanced guidance(providing more effective inventory management suggestions),  avoid insufficient inventory or excessive inventory.
[Optimize production performance] Before the problem occurs, identify potential machine problems through IoT intelligent preview to prevent downtime and improve product quality and output.
[Improve asset life] Extend the life of your equipment and improve performance.Through asset management, you can use IoT and mixed reality to plan,  predict, and perform asset maintenance.
[Supply Chain Automation] Use predictive analysis to enhance product and service delivery capabilities.Predictive analysis can help you optimize plans and improve supply chain fulfillment, material procurement, and logistics.
Software functional architecture
Account management
  • Access control

  • Role Assignments

  • Employee management

  • Login control

  • Group level assignment

  • User search

  • Access control

  • Account info encryption

  • Account freeze activation

  • Account info migration

  • Login log query

  • Operation log query

Sales management
  • Customer Product Archive

  • Customer Product Archive

  • Customer product BOM

  • Customer product quotation

  • Contact management

  • Order notification

  • Customer rating

  • Sales reconciliation

  • Sales invoice management

  • Sales return management

  • Product sales analysis

  • Key customer sales forecast

Production management
  • Electronic version

  • Production Order

  • Production and processing

  • Workshop operations

  • Production notice

  • semifinished articles process

  • Inverted molten gold

  • Production rework plan

  • Lost Stone / Waste List

  • Outsourcing processing plan

  • Scrap Replenishment Plan

  • Early warning planning

Inventory management
  • Supplier Management

  • Procurement management

  • Purchase returns

  • Material management

  • Inventory view

  • Inventory log

  • Inbound and outbound

  • Dial count

  • Picking registration

  • Return registration

  • ID card management

  • Stock warning rules

Financial Management
  • Cost accounting

  • Expense management

  • Invoice document

  • Customer reconciliation

  • Purchase returns

  • Sales refund

  • Payment management

  • Collection management

  • General ledger management

  • Salary management

  • Financial Statements

  • Financial bill

  • Time and Attendance 

  • Performance management

  • Report Management

  • Salary management

  • company information

  • Personnel transfer

  • Personnel regulations

  • Announcement

  • Work schedule

  • work tasks

  • File management

  • Report management

Work management platform
Product advantages
  • Access anytime and anywhere

  • Intelligent data search

  • Personalized system settings

  • Support highly customized

  • Million-level data processing

  • Simple and flexible to use

Software application value
  • Start on demand

    IT resource integration
    Customized process
    solve information island
    Leads to revenue
    Pay as you grow
    Adapt to market changes

  • Efficient at any time

    Integration of Microsoft
    Style of Microsoft
    Familiar operation method
    Quick start and output
    Experience across devices
    Adapt to various platforms

  • Smart built-in

    Out of the box
    Business Intelligence
    Visualize data
    Intelligent built-in function
    Deep business insight
    Accurate predictions

  • Flexible expansion

    Shared data model
    Multi-application function
    No coding business
    Task process automation
    Add new function any time
    Quickly adjust operating

  • All-in-one solution

    Service Active Marketing
    On-demand deployment
    Visual accessory
    Flexible business promotion
    Integrated service system
    Business service process

  • Comprehensive

    Multi-channel promotion
    Satisfaction return visit
    Intelligent dispatch
    Timely and efficient service
    Personalized service
    Predictive analysis services

Customer file management

statistical analysis
Customer statistical analysis
  • Customer purchase product summary

  • Customer purchase product details

  • Customer purchase total ranking

  • Customer purchase price analysis

  • Comparison of customer products out of stock

  • Customer Return Ranking

  • Customer return schedule

  • Customer advance collection statistics

  • Customer statement

Customer information query
  • Basic Information Search

  • Receive address inquiry

  • Historical follow-up query

  • Historical SMS query

  • Historical mail query

  • Historical purchase query

  • Historical account inquiry

  • Historical notes inquiry

  • Historical shipping inquiry

  • Historical returns inquiry

  • Historical quote inquiry

  • Historical advance receipt inquiry

  • Historical cost query

  • Historical maintenance inquiry

Customer Information Management
  • Field alias strategy

  • Field display strategy

  • Field quantity strategy

  • Input format control

  • Tips for entering duplicate names

  • Enter duplicate name prohibited

  • Entry required control

  • Name Smart Tips

  • Customer audit strategy

  • Pinyin code automatically generated

  • Automatic number generation

  • Customer Smart Positioning

  • Customer draft box

  • Customer acquisition strategy

  • Customer Public Strategy

  • Customer audit execution

  • Customer bulk import

  • Follow up bulk import

  • Customer payment term

  • Customer invoice code

  • Customer printing strategy

  • Customer color printing

  • Customer Warehouse Strategy

  • Customer patching

  • Customer gold content

  • Customer Extra Fee

Quotation management

Quote reminder
Quote reminder settings
  • Latest quote reminder

  • Quote approval reminder

  • Create sales order reminder

Quotation data
Quotation data management
  • Price limit control

  • Quotation approval control

  • Quote Basic Information

  • Offer discount method

  • Whether the quotation is inquiry

  • Quote attachment upload

  • List of quotation products

  • Quoted Product Import

  • Draft quotation box

  • Copy of quotation

  • Quote Reassignment

  • Follow-up quote view

  • Quote Generation Contract

  • Price view control

  • Quote related customers

  • Quick quote search

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Quote details import

  • Quote Export Word

  • Quote Export Excel

  • Quote template printing

  • Quote email

  • Quotation copy protection

  • Anti-loss quote

  • Quotation to generate sales order

  • Quotation basic labor cost setting

  • Quotation of stonework cost setting

  • Quotation special labor cost setting

  • Quote stone price setting

  • Quote Daily Gold Price Setting

  • Quotation set on customer's mouth

  • Quotation to customer gold content setting

Quote Customization
  • Customize quote field

  • Customized quotation number

  • Customized quotation details

  • Print template customization

Sales return management

Customized return settings
  • Customize return field

  • Customized return number

  • Customized return details

Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis of returns
  • Return quantity trend

  • Customer Return Ranking

  • Statistics of reasons for return

  • Return amount trend

  • Sales return schedule

Return reminder
Return reminder
  • Refund audit reminder

Sales return
Sales return
  • Return data sorting

  • Return information inquiry

  • Return details query

  • Return batch inquiry

  • Historical follow-up query

  • Related refund inquiry

  • Related cost inquiry

  • Quick return search

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Return Export Word

  • Return Export Excel

  • Return template printing

  • Return copy prevention

  • Return Loss Prevention

  • Return repair query

  • Rework and return audit

Customer Product File Management

Product operation control
  • Product copy addition

  • Product batch printing

  • Print times management

  • Product export EXCEL

  • Product bulk delete 

  • Product bulk import

  • Product Copy

  • Product data backup

  • Product data migration

Product Information Strategy
  • Tips for field duplication

  • Field duplication is prohibited

  • Required fields

  • Product Information Search

  • Product Import

Product BOM management

Product BOM operation control
  • Product BOM copy and add

  • Product BOM batch printing

  • Product BOM export EXCEL

  • Product BOM bulk deletion

  • Product BOM bulk import

  • Product BOM Copy

  • Product BOM data backup

  • Product BOM data migration

Query strategy
Product BOM query strategy
  • Sales Material Detail History

  • Purchase Material Details History

  • Returned material details

  • Inventory inquiry

BOM data
Product BOM data strategy
  • Tips for field duplication

  • Field duplication is prohibited

  • Required fields

  • Product BOM Information Search

  • Product BOM import

Key customer sales forecast

Sales forecast
Key customer sales forecast
  • Key customer division

  • Product sales schedule

  • Annual sales forecast

  • Monthly forecast of sales volume

  • Weekly sales forecast

  • Sales Volume Daily Forecast

  • Annual sales forecast

  • Monthly forecast of sales amount

  • Weekly sales forecast

  • Daily forecast of sales amount

  • Product inventory summary table

  • Product inventory schedule

Product sales analysis

Sales analysis
Product sales analysis
  • Annual sales forecast

  • Monthly forecast of sales volume

  • Weekly sales forecast

  • Sales Volume Daily Forecast

  • Product sales schedule

  • Product Purchase List

  • Product return schedule

  • Product Purchase and Sales Tracking

  • Summary analysis of best-selling unsalable products

  • Detailed analysis of best-selling unsalable products

  • Product Profit Summary Table

  • Product Profit Schedule

  • Product inventory summary table

  • Product inventory schedule

  • Inventory Change Table

  • Product Outbound Performance Comparison

Order notification

Order notification
Order notification
  • Place orders quickly with one click

  • Basic information query

  • JSL sales printing

  • JSL sales export

  • JSL sales email

  • Need stone print

  • Need stone list export

  • Need stone mail

  • MRP mail is automatically sent

  • Order record query

  • Order quick query

  • Multi-criteria matching search

Customer rating management

Rating analysis
Customer rating analysis
  • Customer Sales Volume Annual Forecast

  • Monthly forecast of customer sales

  • Weekly forecast of customer sales volume

  • Daily forecast of customer sales volume

  • Annual forecast of customer sales amount

  • Monthly forecast of customer sales amount

  • Customer sales weekly forecast

  • Daily forecast of customer sales amount

  • Payment term tracking

  • Customer Return Ranking

  • Statistics of reasons for return

  • Sales return schedule

Rating control
Customer rating control
  • Copy and add customer ratings

  • Customer rating batch printing

  • Print times management

  • Customer rating export EXCEL

  • Customer rating bulk delete 

  • Import customer ratings in bulk

  • Customer Rating Copy

  • Customer rating data backup

  • Customer rating data migration

Customer ratings
Customer ratings
  • Customer level entry

  • Tips for field duplication

  • Field duplication is prohibited

  • Required fields

  • Customer level inquiry

Contact management

Contact query
Contact information query
  • Basic information query

  • Detailed information query

  • Receive address inquiry

  • Historical cost query

  • Historical telephone inquiry

  • Historical SMS query

  • Historical mail query

  • Contact associated customer

  • Multi-contact management

  • Quick search

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Contact export

  • Contact printing

  • Contact copy protection

  • Contact data migration

  • Contact data backup

Entry strategy
Contact entry strategy
  • Field alias strategy

  • Field display strategy

  • Entry required control

  • Input format control

  • Tips for entering duplicate names

  • Enter duplicate name prohibited

  • Contact avatar upload

  • Contact birthday record

  • Contact View

  • Contact import

  • Bulk delete contacts

Sales invoice management

Invoice report
Invoice report
  • Invoice stickers

  • Gold Supreme Shipping Report

  • Chiba Shipment Report

  • Xie Ruilin Shipment Report

  • Hengxin Shipment Report

  • Chao Acer Shipment Report

  • US Road Shipment Report

  • Luk Fook Shipment Report

  • TTF deposit order for gold

  • TTF sells gold out of the bill

Billing control
Billing operation control
  • Invoice export

  • Invoice printing

  • Invoice cancellation

  • Anti-lost invoicing

Query retrieval
Invoicing query retrieval
  • Billing information inquiry

  • Invoicing status inquiry

  • Invoice type query

  • Invoice Quick Search

  • Multi-condition compound search

Billing policy
Billing policy settings
  • Invoice type

  • Multiple invoices in installments

  • Single billing merge

  • Billing at the beginning of the billing period

  • Invoice by product quantity

  • Invoice by product amount

  • Invoice to be established

  • Loan invoice

  • Ordinary invoice

  • Return invoice

  • Finished product purchase invoice

  • Finished product return invoice

Sales reconciliation management

Reconciliation information query
  • Basic information query

  • Detailed information query

  • Quick search

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Reconciliation Material Details Inquiry

  • Reconciliation Material Use Inquiry

  • Reconciliation Material Remaining Query

Reconciliation custom settings
  • Reconciliation field customization

  • Customization of reconciliation type

  • Statement Number Customization

  • Print template customization

Procurement management

Statistical analysis
Purchase quantity statistics
  • Procurement Quantity Supplier Distribution

  • Procurement Quantity Department Distribution

  • Procurement Quantity Staff Distribution

  • Procurement Quantity Status Distribution

  • Classification of purchase quantity distribution Purchase quantity trend every year

Purchase amount statistics
  • Purchase Amount Supplier Distribution

  • Purchase Amount Department Distribution

  • Purchase Amount Personnel Distribution

  • Purchase Amount Status Distribution

  • Classification of purchase amount

  • purchase amount daily trend

  • purchase amount weekly trend

  • purchase amount monthly trend

  • Annual purchase amount trend

Purchasing management customization
  • Export format customization

  • Print format customization

  • Detail customization

  • Purchase strategy customization

  • Number customization

Procurement operation control
  • One-click purchase order creation

  • One-click delivery purchase notice

  • Buy multiple purchases

  • Purchase order termination

  • Purchase order modification

  • Purchase order deletion

  • Purchase order printing

  • Purchase order export

  • Purchase Order Registration

  • Purchase Order Execution

  • Purchase Order Bulk Import

Purchase Add Strategy
  • Purchase bulk addition

  • Import of purchase details

  • On-demand purchase storage

  • Purchase price strategy

  • Purchase manual generation

Purchase retrieval strategy
  • Purchase List Query

  • Purchase Multi-Condition Compound Query

  • Purchase Information Query

  • Quick Query of Purchase Records

  • Purchasing notice query

  • Purchase required materials query

  • Purchase process tracking

  • Purchase Change Record Query

  • Purchase Print Record Query

  • Purchase Expense Query

  • Purchase Payment Query

Inventory view

Inventory view
Basic inventory settings
  • Warehouse business type setting

  • warehouse opening number setting

  • warehouse inbound number setting

  • warehouse outbound number setting

  • Warehouse balance setting

Inventory inquiry
  • Product Location Inquiry

  • Inventory Detail Inquiry

  • Product Inventory Detail Inquiry

  • Warehouse List Query

  • Warehouse Multi-condition Query

  • Warehouse Information Query

  • Quick Query of Warehouse Records

  • Warehouse Notification Query

  • Warehouse Process Tracking

  • Warehouse Change Record Query

  • Warehouse Print Record Query

Stock operations
  • One-click warehouse import

  • One-key warehouse import at the beginning of the period

  • Warehouse details printing

  • Warehouse Material Modification

  • Warehouse Material Deletion

  • Warehouse Detail Export

Inventory warning
  • Inventory upper limit warning

  • Inventory lower limit warning

Inventory management customization
  • Export format customization

  • Print format customization

  • Detail customization

Outbound storage

Out of stock
Outbound basic settings
  • Direct outbound

  • outbound warehouse selection

  • outbound data import

  • outbound order business type selection

  • Inventory approval

Outbound report
  • Outbound Detail Report

  • Outbound Summary Table

Outbound operation
  • One-click import of outbound details

  • print out details

  • Modification of outbound details

  • Deletion of outbound details

  • Export of outbound details

Customize outbound management
  • Export format customization

  • Print format customization

  • Detail customization

  • Number customization

Warehousing basic settings
  • Direct storage

  • Selection of storage warehouse

  • Importation of storage data

  • Selection of business type of storage order

  • Inventory approval

Warehousing report
  • Warehousing details report

  • Warehousing summary table

Storage management customization
  • Export format customization

  • Print format customization

  • Detail customization

Outbound basic settings
  • Direct outbound

  • outbound warehouse selection

  • outbound data import

  • outbound order business type selection

Dial count

Inventory basic settings
  • Direct inventory

  • Inventory selection

  • Inventory data import

  • Inventory list business type selection

  • Inventory review and approval

  • Inventory review and checkout

Inventory report
  • Inventory Detail Report

  • Inventory Summary Table

  • Audit Checkout Details Report

  • Audit Checkout Summary Table

Inventory operation
  • One-click import of inventory details

  • Print inventory details

  • Inventory details modification

  • Deletion of inventory details

  • Export of inventory details

Inventory management customization
  • Export format customization

  • Print format customization

  • Detail customization

Transfer basic settings
  • Direct transfer

  • Selection of transfer warehouse

  • Import of transfer data

  • Selection of transfer order business type

  • Stock transfer approval

Transfer statement
  • Transfer Details Report

  • Transfer Summary Table

Transfer operation
  • One-click import of inventory details

  • Print inventory details

  • Inventory details modification

  • Deletion of inventory details

  • Export of inventory details

Customization of transfer management
  • Export format customization

  • Print format customization

  • Detail customization

Purchase returns

Statistical analysis
Purchase return quantity statistics
  • Distribution of Returned Quantity Supplier

  • Distribution of Returned Quantity Department

  • Distribution of Returned Quantity Personnel

  • Distribution of Returned Quantity Status

  • The distribution of returned quantity classification

  • The daily trend of the returned quantity

  • The weekly trend of the returned quantity

  • The monthly trend of the returned quantity

  • The number of returns every year

Purchase return amount statistics
  • Distribution of Returned Amount Suppliers

  • Distribution of Returned Amount Department

  • Distribution of Returned Amount Personnel

  • Distribution of Returned Amount Status

  • Distribution of return amounts

  • Daily trend of return amount

  • Return amount of weekly return

  • Return amount of monthly return

  • Annual return amount trend

Purchase return management customization
  • Export format customization

  • Print format customization

  • Detail customization

  • Return policy customization

  • Number customization

Purchase returns
Purchase return add strategy
  • Return bulk add

  • Return details import

  • On-demand return and storage

  • Return price strategy

  • Returns are generated manually

Purchase return retrieval strategy
  • Return List Query

  • Return Multi-Condition Compound Query

  • Return Information Query

  • Return Record Quick Query

  • Return Notification Inquiry

  • Inquiry of Returned Materials

  • Return Process Tracking

  • Return Change Query

  • Return Print Query

  • Return Cost Query

  • Return Payment Query

Purchase return operation control
  • One-click to generate a return order

  • One-click to send a return notification

  • Multiple returns in batches

  • Return order termination

  • Return Order Modification

  • Return Order delete 

  • Return Order Print

  • Return Order Export

  • Return order registration

  • Return order execution

  • Return order bulk import

Stock warning rules

Stock warning
Quick entry
  • Basic data entry

  • Choice of stock alert type

  • sort of stock alert types

  • add of stock alert style

  • Support multi-condition parameter early warning

  • Support associated field early warning

Quick query
  • Warning rule list query

  • Warning rule multi-condition query

  • Warning rule information query

  • Warning rule quick query

  • Early Warning Rule Query

  • Early Warning Rule Change Query

  • Early Warning Rule Print Query

Operational control of stock early warning rules
  • One-click generation of early warning rules list

  • Send early warning rule notifications

  •  update early warning rules in batches

  • Warning rules termination

  • Early warning rule modification

  • Early warning rule deletion

  • Early warning rule printing

  • Early warning rule export

  • Early Warning Rule Registration

  • Early Warning Rule Implementation

  • Early Warning Rule Approval

Customized inventory warning rules
  • Export format customization

  • Print format customization

  • Detail customization

  • Number customization


Quick entry
  • Basic data entry

  • Supplier type selection

  • Supplier deactivation state

  • Supplier product settings

  • Supplier printing parameter setting

  • customer incoming parameter setting

  • supplier group classification

Quick query
  • Supplier information list query

  • Multi-condition compound query

  • Supplier details query

  • Supplier information quick query

  • Supplier Information Change Inquiry

  • Supplier Information Print Inquiry

Supplier Data Rule Operation Control
  • One-click generation of supplier information

  •  update supplier information in batches

  • Supplier information deactivation

  • Supplier data modification

  • Supplier data deletion

  • Supplier data printing

  • Supplier data export

  • Supplier Information Registration

  • Supplier Information Implementation

  • Supplier Information Approval

Customization of supplier profile rules
  • Export format customization

  • Print format customization

  • Detail customization

  • Name customization

Picking registration

Picking registration
Picking basic settings
  • Direct picking

  • Picking warehouse selection

  • Picking data import

  • Picking list business type selection

  • Stock picking approval

Picking report
  • Picking Detail Report

  • Picking Summary Table

Picking operation
  • One-click import of picking details

  • Printing of picking details

  • Picking Details Modification

  • Picking Details delete 

  • Picking Details Export

Picking management customization
  • Export format customization

  • Print format customization

  • Detail customization

  • Number customization

Return registration

Return registration
Return basic settings
  • Direct return

  • Return warehouse selection

  • Return material import

  • Return list business type selection

  • Stock return approval

Return Report
  • Return Material Detail Report

  • Return Material Summary Table

Return operation
  • One-click Import of Returned Material Details

  • Printed Returned Material Details

  • Modification of Return Material Details

  • Deletion of Return Material Details

  • Export of Return Material Details

Customized return management
  • Export format customization

  • Print format customization

  • Detail customization

  • Number customization

Material management

Quick entry
  • Basic data entry

  • Material type selection

  • Material stone type setting

  • Material stone basic type setting

  • Material Stone Shape Setting

  • Material Unit

Quick query
  • Query of material data list

  • Multi-condition compound query

  • Query of material data details

  • Quick query of material data

  • Material Information Change Inquiry

  • Material Information Print Inquiry

Material data rule operation control
  • One-click generation of material data

  • batch update of material data

  • material data deactivation and activation

  • Material data modification

  • Material data deletion

  • Material data printing

  • Material data export

  • Material data registration

  • Material data execution

  • Material data approval

ID card management

ID card
Quick entry
  • Basic data entry

  • Product category selection

  • ID card BOM data setting

  • ID card price setting

  • ID card import

  • ID card unit

Quick query
  • ID card data list query

  • Multi-condition compound query

  • ID card data detail query

  • ID card data quick query

  • ID card information change query

  • ID card data printing query

ID card information rules operation control
  • One-click generation of material information

  • batch update of material information

  • ID card data deactivation and activation

  • ID card data modification

  • ID card data deletion

  • ID card data printing

  • ID card data export

  • ID card registration

  • ID card data execution

  • ID card data approval

Customize ID card information rules
  • Export format customization

  • Print format customization

  • Detail customization

  • Name customization

Production Order

Production Order
Quick entry
  • Order data entry

  • Material list entry

  • Work price data entry

  • Scheduling data entry

  • Material entry record

  • Production process entry

Quick query
  • Generate order query

  • Bill of materials query

  • Working price data query

  • Scheduling data query

  • Material registration query

  • Production process query

  • Production comprehensive query

Production order tracking
  • Production progress query

  • Dispatch work progress query

  • According to single distribution stone data query

  • Complete storage query

Production order operation control
  • One-click to generate production order

  • One-click to send order notification

  • Multiple batch update in batches

  • Production order termination

  • Production order modification

  • Production order deletion

  • Production order printing

  • Production order export

  • Production order registration

  • Production order execution

  • Production order approval

Early warning notice
  • Production Overdue Notice

  • Proximity Delivery Notice

  • Production Notice Entry

  • Production Notice Reminder

  • Production products view

Electronic signage

Display Board
Production Display Board Type
  • Workshop real-time Display Board

  • production progress to see the version

  • order progress Display Board

  • dispatching progress Display Board

Production Display Board Inquiry
  • Order status query

  • In-process order query

  • In-process order query

  • Lagged progress query

  • Advance order query

  • Normal order query

  • Progress comparison query

Production Display Board early warning notice
  • Lag notification

  • advance completion notification

  • normal completion notification

  • production notification reminder

  • Production product type notification

Production and processing order

Processing order
Adding production order
  • Production order generation processing order

  • Determine the production output of processing order

  • Generate processing order in batch

  • Outsourcing of processing orders

Inquiry search for production order
  • List query for processing order

  • Quick query for processing order

  • Multi-condition compound query

  • Basic information query

  • Outsourcing detailed query

  • Processing order details query

  • Processing order process query

  • Change record query

Production and processing single operation control
  • One-click batch delivery multiple times

  • One-click batch delivery notice

  • New processing order

  • Processing modification

  • Processing order deletion

  • Processing order change

  • Processing order termination

  • Processing order review

  • Processing order printing

  • Work Order Export

Production order customization
  • Export format customization

  • Print format customization

  • Detail customization

  • Dispatch Custom

  • Number Custom

Workshop operations

Out of stock
Inter-department delivery addition
  • Batch entry of pending cargo materials

  • Single entry of pending cargo materials

  • Choose the receiving department of cargo delivery

  • Confirm the cargo materials

  • Determine the type of delivery

Inter-department delivery inquiry search
  • List query of goods list

  • Multi-condition compound query

  • Query information of goods record

  • Quick query of goods record

  • Inquiry of Shipping Order Notification

  • Inquiry of Shipping Bill of Materials

  • Inquiry of Shipping Bill Number

  • Tracking of Shipping Material

  • Inquiry of Change of Passed Goods

  • Inquiry of Printed Outgoing Goods

  • Inquiry of Delivery Receiving Department

Inter-departmental delivery control
  • One-click department generates delivery orders

  • One-click delivery notification

  • Multiple delivery in batches

  • Delivery order termination

  • Amendment of bill of lading

  • deletion of bill of lading

  • printing of bill of lading

  • export of bill of lading

  • Bill of lading registration

  • Bill of lading execution

Customized delivery between departments
  • Export format customization

  • Print format customization

  • Detail customization

  • Number customization

Work Order Add
  • Work Order Batch Entry Materials

  • Work Order Single Entry Materials

  •  select Work Order Department

  • Determine Work Order Materials

  • Identify Work Order Operations

  • Identify Goods Workers

Work Order Query Retrieval
  • Work order list query

  • Work order multi-condition query

  • Work order information query

  • Quick query of work order record

  • Work Order Notification Inquiry

  • Work Order Execution Operation Inquiry

  • Work Order Required Material Inquiry

  • Work Order Process Tracking

  • Work Order Change Record Inquiry

  • Work Order Print Record Inquiry

  • Employee Payback Inquiry

  • Employee Work Value Inquiry

Work order operation control
  • Generate work orders with one click

  • Send work order notifications with one click

  • Send to employees multiple times in batch

  • Work order termination

  • Work Order Modification

  • Work Order delete 

  • Work Order Printing

  • Work Order Export

  • Work Order Registration

  • Work Order Execution

  • Work Order Issuing

  • Work Order Recovery

  • Employee gold powder recycling

Work Order Customization
  • Export format customization

  • Print format customization

  • Detail customization

  • Number customization

Production notice

Production notice
Quick entry
  • Basic data entry

  • Notification type selection

  • Notification type sorting

  • Notification style addition

Quick query
  • Production notice list query

  • Multi-condition compound query

  • Product notice information query

  • Product notice quick query

  • Production notice query

  • Product notice change query

  • Production notice print query

Production notification operation control
  • One-click to generate production notifications

  • One-click to send production notifications

  •  update production notifications in batches

  • Production notification termination

  • Production Notification Modification

  • Production Notification delete 

  • Production Notification Printing

  • Production Notification Export

  • Production notice registration

  • Production notice execution

  • Production notice approval

Production notification customization
  • Export format customization

  • Print format customization

  • Detail customization

  • Number customization

Semi-finished product processing

Adding semi-finished products
  • Batch entry of semi-finished product processing

  • Single entry of semi-finished product processing

  •  select semi-finished product processing department

  • Determine semi-finished product processing materials

  • Determine semi-finished product processing operations

Inquiry search for semi-finished products processing
  • Processing list query

  • Multi-condition compound query

  • Processing information query

  • Quick query of processing records

  • Processing notification query

  • Processing execution process query

  • Processing required materials query

  • Processing process tracking

  • Processing change record query

  • Process printing record query

Semi-finished product processing operation control
  • One-click to generate processing order

  • One-click to send processing notification

  • Multiple processing in batch

  • Semi-finished processing order termination

  • Semi-finished product processing order modification

  • Semi-finished product processing order deletion

  • Semi-finished product processing order printing

  • Export of semi-finished product processing order

  • Semi-finished product processing order registration

  • semi-finished product processing order execution

  • semi-finished product completion

Customization of semi-finished products processing
  • Export format customization

  • Print format customization

  • Detail customization

  • Number customization

Inverted molten gold

Molten gold addition
  • Molten gold batch entry

  • Molten gold entry

  • Choose molten gold department

  • Identify molten gold materials Determine the gold melting process

Inquiry Search
  • List query of molten gold

  • Multi-condition compound query

  • Query of molten gold information

  • Quick query of molten gold records

  • Inquiry of molten gold notification

  • Inquiry of molten gold execution process

  • Tracking of molten gold process

  • Inquiry of molten gold audit

  • Inquiry of molten gold change record

  • Inquiry of molten gold print record

Melting operation control
  • One-key generation of molten gold list

  • One-key sending of molten gold notification

  • Multiple melting of gold in batches

  • Melting gold termination

  • Molten Gold Modification

  • Molten Gold delete 

  • Molten Gold Printing

  • Molten Gold Export

  • Molten gold registration

  • Molten gold execution

  • Molten gold approval

Molten gold customization
  • Export format customization

  • Print format customization

  • Detail customization

  • Number customization

Production rework

Production rework
Production rework added
  • Rework batch entry

  • Rework single entry

  •  select the rework department

  • Identify the rework materials

  • Determine the repair process

Query retrieval of production rework
  • Query of repair list

  • Multi-condition composite query of repair

  • Query of repair information

  • Quick query of repair record

  • Return Repair Notification Query

  • Return Repair Execution Process Query

  • Return Repair Material Query

  • Return Repair Process Tracking

  • Return Repair Change Record Query

  • Return Repair Print Record Query

Production rework operation control
  • Generate a repair order with one click

  • Send a repair notification with one click

  • Multiple repairs in batches

  • Terminate the repair order

  • Rework Order Modification

  • Return Order Removal

  • Return Order Print

  • Return Order Export

  • Return order registration

  • Return order execution

Customized production rework
  • Export format customization

  • Print format customization

  • Detail customization

  • Number customization

Lost Stone / Waste List

Waste list
Add scrap list
  • Batch entry of waste goods

  • Single entry of waste goods

  •  select waste department

  • Identify waste materials

  • Determine scrap operations

Retrieval of scrap list
  • Query of Waste List

  • Multiple Conditional Query of Waste Goods

  • Query of Waste Information

  • Quick Query of Waste Records

  • Inquiry of Waste Notice

  • Inquiry of Execution Process of Waste Goods

  • Tracking of Waste Process

  • Inquiry of Waste Goods Audit

  • Inquiry of change records of waste goods

  • Inquiry of print records of waste goods

Operation control of waste list
  • One-click generate scrap list

  • One-click send scrap notification

  • Multiple scraps in batches

  • Trash list termination

  • Scrap List Modification

  • Scrap List delete 

  • Scrap List Printing

  • Scrap List Export

  • Waste Bill Registration

  • Waste Bill Execution

  • Waste Approval

  • Responsible Person of Waste

Customized scrap list
  • Export format customization

  • Print format customization

  • Detail customization

  • Number customization

Lost Stone
Lost Stone Add
  • Batch Input of Lost Stones

  • Single Input of Lost Stones

  •  select Lost Stones Department

  • Identify Lost Stone Materials

  • Determine the lost stone process

Lost Stone Search
  • Lost Stone List Query

  • Lost Stone Multi-condition Query

  • Lost Stone Information Query

  • Quick Lost Stone Record Query

  • Lost stone notification query

  • Lost stone execution process query

  • Lost stone process tracking

  • Lost stone audit query

  • Lost Stone Change Record Query

  • Lost Stone Print Record Query

Lost stone operation control
  • Generate Lost Stones with one click

  • Send Lost Stones with one click

  • Multiple Lost Stones in batch

  • Stop Lost Stones

  • Lost Stone List Modification

  • Deletion of Lost Stone List

  • Print of Lost Stone List

  • Export of Lost Stone List

  • Lost Stones Registration

  • Lost Stones Implementation

  • Lost Stones Approval

  • Lost Stones Responsible Person

Lost Stone Custom
  • Export format customization

  • Print format customization

  • Detail customization

  • Number customization

Waste list management

Waste list
Add scrap list
  • Batch entry of waste goods

  • Single entry of waste goods

  •  select waste department

  • Identify waste materials

  • Determine scrap operations

Retrieval of scrap list
  • Query of Waste List

  • Multiple Conditional Query of Waste Goods

  • Query of Waste Information

  • Quick Query of Waste Records

  • Inquiry of Waste Notice

  • Inquiry of Execution Process of Waste Goods

  • Tracking of Waste Process

  • Inquiry of Waste Goods Audit

  • Inquiry of change records of waste goods

  • Inquiry of print records of waste goods

Operation control of waste list
  • One-click generate scrap list

  • One-click send scrap notification

  • Multiple scraps in batches

  • Trash list termination

  • Scrap List Modification

  • Scrap List delete 

  • Scrap List Printing

  • Scrap List Export

  • Waste Bill Registration

  • Waste Bill Execution

  • Waste Approval

  • Responsible Person of Waste

Customized scrap list
  • Export format customization

  • Print format customization

  • Detail customization

  • Number customization

Outsourcing processing plan

Quick entry
  • Basic data entry

  • Self-made processing procedure setting

  • Self-made processing scheduling date

  • Self-made processing price setting

  • Determine the delivery date

Quick query
  • Processing plan list query

  • Processing plan compound query

  • Processing plan information query

  • Processing plan quick query

  • Processing plan notice query

  • Process plan operation query

  • Process plan process tracking

  • Process plan review query

  • Processing plan change query

  • Processing plan print query

Outsourcing processing plan operation control
  • One-click generation of processing plan list

  • One-key sending of processing notice

  •  update processing plan in batches

  • Subcontracted processing plan termination

  • Modification of outsourced processing plan

  • Deletion of outsourced processing plan

  • Printing of outsourced processing plan

  • Export of outsourced processing plan

  • Outsourcing processing plan registration

  • Outsourcing processing plan execution

  • Outsourcing processing plan approval

Subcontract processing plan customization
  • Export format customization

  • Print format customization

  • Detail customization

  • Number customization

Scrap Replenishment Plan

Scrap Replenishment Plan
Quick entry
  • Basic data entry

  • Self-made processing procedure setting

  • Self-made processing scheduling date

  • Self-made processing price setting

  • Determine the delivery date

Quick query
  • Query of scrap replenishment list

  • Multi-condition query of scrap replenishment

  • Query of scrap replenishment information

  • Quick query of scrap replenishment

  • Query of scrap replenishment

  • Query of scrap replenishment process

  • Tracking of scrap replenishment process

  • Query of scrap replenishment audit

  • Plan Change Record Query

  • Plan Print Record Query

Operation Control of Scrap Replenishment Plan
  • One-click generation of scrap replenishment list

  • Send scrap replenishment notice

  •  update scrap replenishment in batches

  • Scrap replenishment plan terminated

  • Scrap Replenishment Plan Modification

  • Scrap Replenishment Plan delete 

  • Scrap Replenishment Plan Printing

  • Scrap Replenishment Plan Export

  • Scrap Replenishment Plan Registration

  • Scrap Replenishment Plan Execution

  • Scrap Replenishment Plan Approval

Scrap replenishment plan customization
  • Export format customization

  • Print format customization

  • Detail customization

  • Number customization

Production early warning rules

Early warning
Quick entry
  • Basic data entry

  • Production warning type selection

  • Production warning type sorting

  • Production warning style addition

  • Support multi-condition parameter early warning

  • Support associated field early warning

Quick query
  • Production warning list query

  • Multi-condition compound query

  • Production warning information query

  • Production warning quick query

  • Change record query

  • Print record query

Operational control of production warning rules
  • One-click production warning list

  • Send production warning notice

  • Batch production warning rule

  • Production warning rule termination

  • Production warning rule modification

  • Production warning rule deletion

  • Production warning rule printing

  • Production warning rule export

  • Production Early Warning Rules Registration

  • Production Early Warning Rules Implementation

  • Production Early Warning Rules Approval

Customize production warning rules
  • Export format customization

  • Print format customization

  • Detail customization

  • Number customization

Customer reconciliation

Reconciliation custom settings
  • Reconciliation field customization

  • Customization of reconciliation type

  • Statement Number Customization

  • Print template customization

Reconciliation information query
  • Basic information query

  • Detailed information query

  • Quick search

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Reconciliation Material Details Inquiry

  • Reconciliation materials inquiry

  • Reconciliation Material Remaining Query

Invoice document

Basic invoice information
  • Invoice type

  • Multiple invoices in installments

  • Single billing merge

  • Billing at the beginning of the billing period

  • Invoice by product quantity

  • Invoice by product amount

  • Invoice to be established

  • Loan invoice

  • Ordinary invoice

  • Return invoice

  • Finished product purchase invoice

  • Returned invoices for finished products

  • Invoice search and retrieval:

  • Billing information inquiry

  • Invoicing status inquiry

  • Invoice type query

  • Invoice Quick Search

  • Multi-condition compound search

Billing operation control
  • Invoice export

  • Invoice printing

  • Invoice cancellation

  • Anti-lost invoicing

Invoice report
  • Invoice stickers

  • Shipping report

  • Delivery order for gold

  • Sell gold

Sales return

Sales return
Sales return information
  • Return data sorting

  • Return information inquiry

  • Return details query

  • Return batch inquiry

  • Historical follow-up query

  • Related refund inquiry

  • Related cost inquiry

  • Quick return search

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Return Export Word

  • Return Export Excel

  • Return template printing

  • Return copy prevention

  • Return Loss Prevention

  • Return repair query

  • Return repair audit

  • Return reminder

  • Refund audit reminder

Statistical analysis of returns
  • Return quantity trend

  • Customer Return Ranking

  • Statistics of reasons for return

  • Return amount trend

  • Sales return schedule

Refund statistics
  • Daily trend of refunded money

  • Weekly trend of refunded funds

  • Monthly trend of refunded accounts

  • Annual trend of refunded accounts

Purchase refund

Purchase Refund
Purchase Refund Information Management
  • Refund information inquiry

  • Quick Retrieve Refund

  • Refund composite search

  • Refund Export Refund

  • Print refund summary table

  • Refund Schedule

  • Anti-copy of refund information

  • Refund information to prevent loss

Refund reminder
  • Refund audit reminder

Refund statistics
  • Daily trend of refunded money

  • Weekly trend of refunded funds

  • Monthly trend of refunded accounts

  • Annual trend of refunded accounts

  • Supplier Refund Ranking

  • Purchase Refund Summary Table

Payment management

Vendor payment
Vendor payment
  • Payment Information Inquiry

  • Payment entry

  • Payment approval

  • Quick search for payment

  • Payment information export

  • Payment information printing

  • Payment Statistics Search

  • Payment statistics export

  • Payment statistics printing

  • Payment Loss Prevention

  • Customer payment statistics

Payment operation settings
  • Payment status inquiry

  • Related Purchase Inquiry

  • Related Supplier Inquiry

  • Payment slip export

  • Payment slip template printing

  • Payment slip printing

  • Payment summary table

  • Payment schedule

Accounts payable statistics
  • Daily analysis of accounts payable

  • Weekly analysis of accounts payable

  • Monthly analysis of accounts payable

  • Annual analysis of accounts payable

Statistics of accounts paid
  • Daily analysis of paid accounts

  • Weekly analysis of paid accounts

  • Monthly analysis of paid accounts

  • Annual payment analysis

Salary management

Salary information editing
  • Add salary in bulk

  • Salary details import

  • Salary manual generation

  • Copy of salary table

  • Payroll Approval

  • Approval record query

Piece rate
  • Piece rate entry

  • Piece rate accounting

  • Piece-rate pay

  • Piece rate salary inquiry

Salary information query
  • Employee salary summary

  • Query employee salary details

  • Check employee salary

  • Export employee salary print

Payroll customization
  • Salary formula customization

  • Customization

  • Salary category customization

  • Salary group customization

Collection management

Customer collection
  • Payment information query

  • Receipt entry

  • Collection approval

  • Quick retrieval of collections

  • Payment information export

  • Payment information printing

  • Receiving statistics search

  • Collection statistics export

  • Collection statistics printing

  • Anti-lost payment

  • Customer collection statistics

Collection operation settings
  • Payment status query

  • Related Sales Inquiries

  • Related customer inquiry

  • Receipt receipt export

  • Receipt form printing

  • Receipt receipt printing

  • Receipt summary table

  • Receipt schedule

Receivable account statistics
  • Daily analysis of collection accounts

  • Weekly analysis of collection accounts

  • Monthly analysis of collection accounts

  • Annual analysis of collection accounts

Receivables statistics
  • Daily analysis of received payments

  • Weekly analysis of received payments

  • Monthly analysis of received payments

  • Annual analysis of received payments

Financial Statements

Financial Statements
  • Shipping report

  • Delivery order for gold

  • Sell gold out of stock list

  • Departmental Inventory

  • Staff value

  • The model should be paid back

  • Inlaid stone should return gold

  • Sector output

Financial bill

Financial bill
Financial bill
  • Customer statement

  • Loan invoice

  • Ordinary invoice

  • Finished product purchase invoice

  • Buy stone bills

  • Gold bills

  • Buy accessories bill

Fee application

Fee application
Fee application
  • Application Details Entry

  • Add application with one click

  • Apply for affiliated customers

  • Apply for associated contact

  • Fee application information inquiry

  • Fee application amount inquiry

  • Quick search for fee application

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Approval amount inquiry

Cost usage

Cost usage
Cost usage
  • Cost user selection

  • Cost details entry

  • Detailed related documents

  • Customer Expense Record

  • Shipping cost record

  • Purchase Expense Record

  • Purchase return fee

  • Supplier Expense Record

  • Detailed document related query

  • Use associated customers

  • Use associated contact

  • Quick search for expenses

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Expense usage schedule

  • Expense use template printing

  • Expenses using export Word

  • Expenses used to export Excel

Statistical analysis of expenses

Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis of expenses
  • Use Daily Trends

  • Weekly trend of costs

  • Monthly cost trend

  • Annual cost Distribution cost summary table

  • Customer fee schedule

  • Supplier fee schedule

  • Purchase expense schedule

  • Shipping cost schedule

General ledger management

Credential management
  • Certificate Information Management

  • Add credentials manually

  • Voucher import

  • Generate all documents manually

  • Manual batch generation

  • Voucher temporary storage

  • Reverse voucher

  • Quick retrieval of vouchers

  • Credential Advanced Search

  • Voucher export

  • Voucher printing

Period-end management
  • Adjust exchange rate settings

  • At the end of the transfer operation

  • Month end date

Salary management

Salary information editing
  • Edit salary table

  • Payroll temporary storage

  • Draft Salary Box

  • Copy of salary table

  • Payroll Approval

  • Approval record query

  • Unpaid salary inquiry

  • Approved amount

  • Approval automatic reminder

  • Payroll

  • Wage inquiry

Piece rate
  • Piece rate entry

  • Piece rate accounting

  • Piece-rate pay

  • Piece rate salary inquiry

Hourly wage
  • Hourly wage entry

  • Hourly wage accounting

  • Hourly pay

  • Hourly wage inquiry

Payroll customization
  • Salary formula customization

  • Customization

  • Salary category customization

  • Salary group customization

Time and Attendance Management

Basic Time and Attendance Management
  • Shift setting

  • Holiday Calendar Management

  • Attendance scheduling settings

  • Attendance scheduling view

  • Attendance calendar view

  • Attendance data import

  • Original credit card information

Time and Attendance Inquiry
  • Attendance record import

  • Time Attendance Record Inquiry

  • Single person check attendance

  • Record daily query

  • Attendance calendar query

  • Monthly attendance summary table query

  • Query original credit card information

Performance management

Basic performance management
  • Performance appraisal information query

  • Performance evaluation project setting

  • Performance evaluation period setting

  • Performance appraisal period

  • Appeal Period for Performance Evaluation

  • Performance related salary system

  • Performance bonus issuance time

  • Performance review and approval process

Performance appraisal management
  • Performance evaluation score

  • End of performance appraisal

  • Performance evaluation status

  • Management Performance Evaluation

  • Export performance

  • Assessment print

Performance Appeal Management
  • Appraisal of performance appraisal

  • Appraisal of performance appraisal

  • Approval and evaluation result modification

  • Assessment appeal status management

  • Assessment appeal export

  • Appraisal appeal print

  • Complaint list DIY

  • Quick search for complaints

  • Multi-condition compound search

company information

Company Information Management
  • Company Information Registration

  • Company Profile Search

  • Corporate Culture Inquiry

  • Quick retrieval of company information

  • Export company information to Excel

  • Company information printing

File management

Basic file
Basic file management
  • Employee file registration

  • Employee file batch import

  • Employee status management

  • Education experience inquiry

  • Work experience inquiry

  • Other information inquiry

  • Quick retrieval of employee files

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Salary information

  • Salary Information Query

  • Contact Information

  • Contact inquiry

Employee contract management
  • Contract Appraisal Day

  • Contract termination date

  • Wage category

  • Contract Number

  • Social Security Number

  • ID number

  • Quick search of employee contracts

  • Multi-condition compound search

Personnel transfer

Staff transfer
Staff transfer management
  • Check the positive information

  • Application for renewal of trial period

  • Employee formal approval

  • File status change

  • Quick retrieval of correct information

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Positive information export

  • Correction information printing

Personnel turnover management
  • Viewing turnover information

  • Employee resignation

  • Employee separation approval

  • Change in turnover status

  • Quick retrieval of turnover information

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Exit information export

  • Resignation information printing

  • Analysis of employee turnover ratio

Personnel regulations

Basic management of personnel regulations
  • Personnel Regulation Entry

  • Approval of personnel regulations

  • Announcement of personnel regulations

  • Personnel regulations inquiry

  • Perform status query

  • Quick search of personnel regulations

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Personnel regulations export

  • Personnel regulations printing

Customization of personnel regulations
  • Personnel regulations classification setting

  • Personnel regulations level setting

  • Personnel regulations number setting

  • Personnel regulations approval setting

Announcement management

Announcement basic management
  • Announcement entry

  • Announcement level entry

  • Announcement approval

  • Announcement

  • Announcement inquiry

  • Announcement level query

  • Announcement quick search

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Announcement export

  • Announcement printing

Work schedule

Work schedule
Basic management of project work schedule
  • Project work schedule entry

  • Project work schedule change

  • Project work schedule approval

  • Project work schedule release

  • Project work schedule query

  • Project work schedule query

  • Project work schedule search

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Project work schedule export

  • Project work schedule printing

Work schedule customization
  • Work schedule classification custom

  • Work schedule staff customization

  • Work schedule is customized every day

  • Work schedule status customization

Basic management of personal work schedule

Work schedule
Basic management of personal work schedule
  • Personal work schedule entry

  • Personal work schedule change

  • Approval of personal work schedule

  • Release of personal work schedule

  • Personal work schedule query

  • Personal work schedule query

  • Personal work schedule search

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Personal work schedule export

  • Personal work schedule printing

Work schedule customization
  • Work schedule classification custom

  • Work schedule staff customization

  • Work schedule is customized every day

  • Work schedule status customization

work tasks

Basic task
Basic task management
  • Work task entry

  • Work assignment

  • Work task status change

  • Work task approval

  • Job task release

  • Job task query

  • Job task query

  • Quick task search

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Work task export

  • Work task printing

Report Management

food Report
Basic food management
  • Entry application application

  • Application approval

  • Report data management

  • Import food data

  • Statistical analysis of meal-reporters

  • Food category

  • Report data export

  • Report data printing

  • Reporting data query

  • Fast retrieval of meal application data

  • Multi-condition compound search

Report management

Report management
  • Application Report

  • Statistical analysis of meal-reporters

  • Personnel transfer report

  • Staff on-the-job report

  • Staff turnover report

  • Wage statistics report

  • Time Attendance Statistics Report

  • Personnel basic information report

Account management

Account information management
  • Account level management

  • Account nature management

  • Organizational Structure

  • Job role setting

  • Employee ID customization

  • ID number management

  • Communication management

  • Basic information management

  • Quick account retrieval

  • Account freeze

  • Account data transfer

  • Account activation

  • Account delete 

  • Account recovery

  • Account import

  • Account custom sorting

  • Account export

Account login strategy
  • Account binding encryption lock

  • Account number bound to mobile phone serial number

  • Bind signature in account

  • Login IP address restrictions

  • Login MAC address restrictions

  • Account password modification

Account permission management
  • Refine permissions to columns

  • Permission refinement to operation

  • Permissions are refined to personnel

  • Permission to copy / paste

  • Permission refinement warehouse

  • Authority refinement process

  • Clear permissions

  • Permissions off

Module management

Module information management
  • Module level management

  • Module nature management

  • Module number customization

  • Module Quick Search

  • Module freeze

  • Module data transfer

  • Module activation

  • Module delete 

  • Module recovery

  • Module import

  • Custom ordering of modules

  • Module export

  • Module position adjustment

  • Module information editing

Home Control

  • Customize common modules

  • Drag the module at will

  • Module custom icon

Inventory control
  • Inventory information tracking

  • Product Information Tracking

  • Supplier Distribution

  • Warehouse operation navigation

Daily gold price
  • Real-time gold price chart

  • Real-time silver price chart

  • Real-time PT chart

  • Real-time PD chart

Online user management

Online user
Online user operation
  • Online user export

  • Online user IP restrictions

  • Online user MAC restrictions

  • Online user port restrictions

  • Online user status change

  • Online user history query

  • Online user online query

Customer testimonials

Before the quotation, we had to find a lot of colleagues in the department to make the quotation. Now the quotation is done by the system, which is much easier.

Customer testimonials

Before the CILSOFT system was used, a lot of manual work was required to make various reports, and the probability of occurrence was very high. It is now exported by the system, so there is no need for such multiple manual work, and the data is accurate.

Customer testimonials

It is very helpful to our company's information construction.

Customer testimonials

I can work at home and see the production progress of the company at any time, which is very helpful for my work.

Customer testimonials

The search function of each interface of the system is very powerful and very convenient to use.

Customer testimonials

In many places, the system is automated to build orders, automate processes and reduce manual operations, which is of great help to our company.

Customer testimonials

The system can be personalized, this function is very helpful to our company.

Customer testimonials

The system speed is very fast, although it is not used at first, it is easy to operate after getting used to, the operation speed is very fast, and basically no mouse is needed.

Customer testimonials

After using the CILSOFT system, it was discovered that there were employees stealing materials in time to reduce company losses.

Customer testimonials

CILSOFT has a professional implementation team, and every consultant who comes over understands the jewelry industry very well. The service attitude is very good.

Customer testimonials

Before every incoming and outgoing customer visit, there are discrepancies, but now the system counts out, and there are no missed counts.

【Exclusive customer service】 Real-time response

【Implementation Consultant】 Provide solutions for customers' individual needs

【Training Lecturer】Real-time product training

【After-sales engineer】 One-on-one face-to-face communication training

【Technical Engineer】In-depth demand expansion

In order to let you choose the product that really suits you
We provide an independent, professional and fast free trial service. The trial version has the same functions as the official version. You can experience it by visiting the browser.
If you have any questions, our professional consultants will answer your questions one-on-one. Just tap the following button, you can easily start the trial, come and try it!

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