Program overview

        The design core of CILSOFT Technology's integrated management solution is based on the pain points of enterprise management to help enterprises achieve full integration management. A platform solves all business management of the enterprise, is compatible with all hardware interfaces, realizes seamless docking, and realizes intelligent management of the enterprise. Establish an integrated management model from the aspects of technology compatibility and system association, avoid the tedious operations of multiple sets of system switching, multiple sets of software parallel, and multiple data entry, and help enterprises improve work efficiency. The integrated solution realizes centralized control of online + offline, internal + external, group + branch business, system interconnection and interoperability, and information sharing and collaboration, allowing enterprises to understand the company's dynamics anytime, anywhere, and make decisions anytime, anywhere, to meet the needs of industry and enterprises Management requirements for core business in development and change. To achieve rapid strategic deployment of enterprises in a highly marketable competitive environment.

Solution architecture
  • Management integration

    Online + offline, internal + external, group + branch, business connection, information collaboration ...

  • Statistical integration

    Intelligent customization, data summary, comparative analysis, trend ranking, decision support ...

  • Sales integration

    Receivable management, sales, customers, quotations, contracts, after-sales, products, material requirements ...

  • Production integration

    Production scheduling, billing, dispatch, outsourcing, workshop, quality control, process, process, piece count management ...

  • Inventory integration

    Supplier, payable management, pre-order, purchase, quality inspection, return, warehouse, delivery management ...

  • Financial integration

    Capacity audit, collection and payment, invoicing, refund, salary, expenses, budget management ...

Integrated management solution

Core function
  • Quotations

  • Sales

  • Customers

  • Purchase

  • Inventory

  • Production

  • Scheduling

  • Financial

  • Human Resources

E8 operation flow chart Browse online

Solution value

Integrate with existing IT resources, customize processes, open up business processes between information islands, turn clues into revenue more quickly, purchase on demand according to your own development rhythm, and adapt to changes in enterprises and markets.

  • Big data processing
  • Rapid development
  • Data tracking
  • Group management
  • Personalized settings
  • Big data operations
  • authority management
  • Mobile synchronization

The full application shared data model can realize the combination of multiple applications. The CILSOFT rapid development platform can be used to write business programs without codes. The task process is automated. New functions can be added to existing businesses at any time. The operation mode can also be adjusted quickly and smoothly.

  • Big data processing
  • Rapid development
  • Data tracking
  • Group management
  • Personalized settings
  • Big data operations
  • authority management
  • Mobile synchronization

All the function points and business links have built-in intelligent system support, and out-of-the-box visual data and business intelligence can easily obtain in-depth business insights. A transformative advanced analysis platform that provides accurate predictions and practical information.

  • Big data processing
  • Rapid development
  • Data tracking
  • Group management
  • Personalized settings
  • Big data operations
  • authority management
  • Mobile synchronization

Call the market template; fast and flexible click and configuration;
scalable product design.
Extensible architecture; mature and continuous development platform and tools.

  • Big data processing
  • Rapid development
  • Data tracking
  • Group management
  • Personalized settings
  • Big data operations
  • authority management
  • Mobile synchronization

User interface layer: Unboxing function configuration.
Business logic layer: establish, research, synthesize, automate and expand your business logic specification data layer.

  • Big data processing
  • Rapid development
  • Data tracking
  • Group management
  • Personalized settings
  • Big data operations
  • authority management
  • Mobile synchronization

Security specifications: define users and teams;
access restriction components: define duties / responsibilities, access rights, etc .;
Data Field layer security settings: protect sensitive data.

  • Big data processing
  • Rapid development
  • Data tracking
  • Group management
  • Personalized settings
  • Big data operations
  • authority management
  • Mobile synchronization