[Features] Perfect integration of customers, sales quotes, orders, production, inventory, finance, OA

[Product Advantages] Solve all management problems of the enterprise within a set of systems

[Data monitoring] Real-time data sharing, monitoring the operation and collaboration of all aspects of jewelry mold enterprises throughout the process
[Production Features] Support design, 3D drawing, CNC mold, CNC five-axis engraving, CNC processing, alloy mold, beer wax and other management

[Mobile application] Android, IOS, Windows Phone full support

[Functional customization] Support in-depth customization according to the corporate culture and operation needs

[System Connection] Support cross-platform standard interface

[Upgrade Update] Support online automatic or manual download update
[Deployment method] Support cloud or localized deployment, both Internet and LAN can be used

[System Framework] The latest coding technology, the latest rapid and efficient development platform

【Terms of use】 Lifetime use

[After-sales service] Exclusive customer service full service, perfect service supervision and control system

[Applicable Enterprise] Suitable for jewelry mould industry of planning, R & D, design, engineering, production
Software functional architecture
Basic data
  • Employee information

  • Customer management

  • User Management

  • Module permissions

  • Product number

  • Manufacturer settings

  • Tax rate discount

  • Production coding rules

Function customization
Mold management
  • Aluminum mold production

  • Engraving management

  • Alloy mold production

  • Plastic mold production

  • Outsourcing

  • Drawing design

  • Three-axis \ five-axis CNC

  • Schedule co-ordination

Function customization
Wax management
  • Wax information

  • Green wax production

  • Water soluble wax

  • Wax injection piece

  • Wax analysis

  • staff performance

  • Wax production scheduling

  • Quality inspection and repair

Function customization
Material management
  • Materials Analysis

  • Bill of materials

  • Material shipment

  • cost analysis

Function customization
Inventory management
  • Inventory inquiry

  • Inbound and outbound

  • inventory check

  • Invoice delivery

  • Customer reconciliation

  • Inventory warning

  • In and out details

  • Checkout

Function customization
Report Center
  • Al mould carving board

  • Alloy mold report

  • Wax report

  • Capacity analysis report

  • Shipping reconciliation 

  • Employee performance

  • Mold progress summary

  • Reconciliation analysis

Function customization
Work management platform
Product advantages
  • Access anytime and anywhere

  • Intelligent data search

  • Personalized system settings

  • Support highly customized

  • Million-level data processing

  • Simple and flexible to use

Software application value

Employee information

Employee profile
Quick entry
  • Basic information entry

  • Type selection

  • Employee deactivation

  • related departments

  • business type setting

  • Employee group

  • IC card identification

Quick query
  • Staff List Search

  • Employee multi-condition compound query

  • Employee details query

  • Quick query of employee records

  • Staff change record query

  • Staff print record query

Employee data operation control
  • Generate employee information with one click

  •  update employee information in batches

  • Employee profile deactivation

  • Employee information modification

  • Employee data deletion

  • Employee information printing

  • Employee data export

  • Employee information registration

  • Employee information execution

  • Employee data approval

Employee profile customization
  • Generate employee information with one click

  •  update employee information in batches

  • Employee profile deactivation

  • Employee information modification

  • Employee data deletion

  • Employee information printing

  • Employee data export

  • Employee information registration

  • Employee information execution

  • Employee data approval

Customer management

Quick entry
  • Basic information entry

  • Customer type selection

  • Customer deactivated activation status

  • Customer Related Documentary

  • Customer related salesman

  • Customer transaction method entry

Quick query
  • Customer List Search

  • Customer multi-condition compound query

  • Customer details query

  • Quick query of customer records

  • Customer change record inquiry

  • Customer print record query

Employee data operation control
  • Generate customer information with one click

  •  update customer information in batches

  • Customer profile deactivation

  • Customer information modification

  • Customer information deletion

  • Customer information printing

  • Customer information export

  • Customer Information Registration

  • Customer information execution

  • Customer data approval

Customer information customization
  • Custom export format

  • Custom printing format

  • Customize details

  • Name customization

User Management

Quick Record
  • Basic information entry

  • User type selection

  • User deactivated activation state

  • User-linked employees

  • User group settings

Quick query
  • User list query

  • User multi-condition compound query

  • User details query

  • Quick query of user records

  • User change record query

  • User print record query

User profile operation control
  • Generate user profile with one click

  •  update user information in batches

  • User deactivated

  • User profile modification

  • User profile deletion

  • User information printing

  • User profile export

User profile customization
  • Custom export format

  • Custom printing format

  • Customize details

  • Name customization

Module permissions

Module access control
  • Refine permissions to columns

  • Permission refinement to operation

  • Permissions are refined to personnel

  • Permission to copy / paste

  • Clear permissions

  • Permissions off

Product number

Product number
Quick entry
  • Product model information entry

  • Model type selection

  • Disable activation state

  • Model picture selection

  • Import pictures in bulk

  • Import data in bulk

Quick query
  • Model list query

  • Model multi-condition compound query

  • Model details query

  • Quick query of model records

  • Model change record query

Product model information operation control
  • Generate model information with one click

  •  update model information in batches

  • Model data is disabled and activated

  • Model information modification

  •  delete model information

  • Model data printing

  • Model data export

  • Registration of model information

  • Model data execution

  • Model data approval

Model data customization
  • Custom export format

  • Custom printing format

  • Customize details

  • Name customization

Manufacturer settings

Quick entry
  • Basic information entry

  • Customer type selection

  • Customer deactivated activation status

  • Customer Related Documentary

  • Customer related salesman

  • Customer transaction method entry

Quick query
  • Manufacturer List Search

  • Multi-condition compound query

  • Manufacturer's details query

  • Quick query of manufacturer records

  • Manufacturer change record query

  • Manufacturer print record query

Employee data operation control
  • One-click generation of manufacturer information

  •  update manufacturer information in batches

  • Manufacturer deactivated

  • Manufacturer information modification

  • Manufacturer data deletion

  • Manufacturer information printing

  • Manufacturer information export

  • Manufacturer Information Registration

  • Manufacturer information execution

  • Approval of manufacturer information

Manufacturer profile customization
  • Custom export format

  • Custom printing format

  • Customize details

  • Name customization

Tax rate discount management

Tax rate discount
Quick entry
  • Enter tax rate in bulk

  • Set order discounts in bulk

  • Bulk edit tax rate

  • Edit discounts in bulk

Quick query
  • Tax rate discount list query

Production coding rules settings

Coding rules
Quick entry
  • Basic data entry

Quick query
  • Encoding rule list query

  • Multi-condition compound query

  • Encoding rule information query

  • Quick query of coding rules

  • Encoding rule query

  • Encoding rule change query

  • Encoding rules print query

Operation control of production coding rules
  • Generate coding rules with one click

  •  update coding rules in batches

  • Production coding rules terminated

  • Production coding rules modification

  •  delete production coding rules

  • Production coding rules printing

  • Production coding rules export

  • Registration of production coding rules

  • Enforcement of production coding rules

  • Approval of production coding rules

Customize production coding rules
  • Custom export format

  • Custom printing format

  • Customize details

  • Number customization

Aluminum mold production

Aluminum mold
Aluminum mold single addition
  • Bulk build aluminum mold sheet

  • Aluminum mold drawing design

  • Aluminum mold three axis \ five axis programming

  • Aluminum mold three-axis \ five-axis machining

  • Aluminum mold out

Aluminium Form Single Search
  • List of aluminum die list

  • Multi-condition matching query

  • Basic information query

  • Document output value query

  • Document Work Inquiry

Single operation control of aluminum mold
  • New aluminum mold sheet

  • Modification of aluminum mold sheet

  • Aluminum mold single delete 

  • Aluminum Form Change

  • Aluminum mold single termination

  • Aluminum mold single audit

  • Aluminum mold single printing

  • Aluminum mold single export

Engraving management

Engraving list
Engraving list added
  • Create engraved orders in batches

  • Engraving drawing design

  • Engraving three-axis \ five-axis programming

  • Engraving three-axis \ five-axis machining

  • Engraving out

Engraved single query search
  • Engraving list query

  • Multi-condition matching query

  • Basic information query

  • Document output value query

  • Document Work Inquiry

Engraving single operation control
  • New engraving list

  • Engraving list modification

  • Engraving list delete 

  • Engraving order change

  • Engraving Order Termination

  • Engraving list audit

  • Engraving printing

  • Engraving sheet export

Alloy mold production

Alloy mold
Add alloy die
  • Create alloy die list in batches

  • Drawing design of alloy die

  • Alloy pattern printing

  • Alloy die making

  • Alloy mold out

Alloy Die List Search
  • List of Alloy Die List

  • Multi-condition matching query

  • Basic information query

  • Document output value query

  • Document Work Inquiry

Single operation control of alloy mold
  • New alloy die list

  • Modification of alloy die list

  • Deleted alloy die list

  • Alloy die change

  • Alloy Die Single Termination

  • Alloy Die List Audit

  • Printing of alloy die sheet

  • Alloy die list export

Plastic mold production

Plastic mold
Adding a single mold
  • Create rubber mold list in batch

  • Plastic mold drawing design

  • Plastic mold out

Query of rubber mold single query
  • Query of List of Rubber Mold

  • Multi-condition matching query

  • Basic information query

  • Document output value query

  • Document Work Inquiry

Single operation control of rubber mold
  • New rubber sheet

  • Modification of rubber mold sheet

  • Glue form delete 

  • Change of rubber mold sheet

  • Termination of rubber mold

  • Rubber mold single audit

  • Rubber mold single printing

  • Export of rubber mold sheet


Subcontracting and processing
  • Drawing out

  • Printed version outgoing

  • License edition / outlet of welding nozzle

  • Out of mold

  • Plastic mold outgoing

  • Design outsourcing

Subcontract Processing Search
  • Outgoing list query

  • Multi-condition compound query

  • Outgoing work value query

Outsourcing processing operation control
  • New Outgoing

  • Outgoing changes

  • Outgoing delete 

  • Outgoing changes

  • Outgoing termination

  • Outgoing audit

  • Outgoing printing

  • Outgoing export

Drawing design

Drawing design
Drawing sheet addition
  • Create drawing sheets in batches

  • Drawing Design Work Value

  • Drawing out

Drawing list query retrieval
  • Drawing list query

  • Multi-condition matching query

  • Basic information query

  • Document output value query

  • Document Work Inquiry

Drawing single operation control
  • New drawing sheet

  • Drawing list modification

  • Drawing list delete 

  • Drawing list change

  • Drawing order termination

  • Drawing list review

  • Drawing list printing

  • Drawing sheet export

Three-axis \ five-axis CNC

Three axis \ five axis CNC added
  • Three-axis total value entry

  • Five-axis total value entry

  • Time management

  • Difficulty entry

  • Proportion of programmers

Three-axis \ five-axis query retrieval
  • Three axis \ five axis list query

  • Multi-condition matching query

  • Basic information query

Single operation control of aluminum mold
  • Three-axis \ Five-axis New

  • Three-axis \ five-axis modification

  • Three-axis \ five-axis delete 

  • Three-axis \ five-axis change

  • Three-axis \ five-axis termination

  • Three-axis \ five-axis audit

  • Three-axis \ five-axis printing

  • Three-axis \ five-axis export

Production schedule coordination

Progress added
  • Progress batch input

  • Batch modification of progress

  • Progress output value setting

Progress query retrieval
  • Production progress list query

  • Multi-condition matching query

  • Basic information query

Progress operation control
  • Add production progress

  • Production schedule modification

  •  delete production progress

  • Production schedule change

  • Production progress is terminated

  • Production progress review

  • Production progress printing

  • Production progress export

Wax information

Wax information
Add wax materials
  • Create wax materials in batches

  • Copying wax materials

  • Selection of wax mold

  • Mold model reference establishment

  • Historical model printing establishment

Wax data search and retrieval
  • Query of wax material information list

  • Multi-condition matching query

  • Basic information query

  • Historical model query

  • Wax type unit price query

Wax data operation control
  • New wax material information

  • Wax data modification

  • Wax data deletion

  • Wax data change

  • Wax data review

  • Wax data printing

  • Wax data export

Green wax production

Green wax
Green wax order added
  • Historical model introduction

  • Green wax information reference

  • Green wax mold type selection

  • Determine order quantity

  • Bulk green wax orders

Green wax data query and retrieval
  • Green wax information list query

  • Multi-condition matching query

  • Basic information query

  • Historical model query

  • Green wax type unit price query

Green wax data operation control
  • New Green Wax Information

  • Green wax information modification

  • Green wax data delete 

  • Green wax information change

  • Green wax information review

  • Green wax information printing

  • Green wax data export

Water soluble wax production

Water soluble wax order addition
  • Historical model introduction

  • Wax reference

  • Selection of wax mold

  • Determine order quantity

  • Establish water-soluble wax orders in batches

Water soluble wax data search
  • Water soluble wax information list query

  • Multi-condition matching query

  • Basic information query

  • Historical model query

  • Unit price inquiry of water soluble wax type

Water soluble wax data operation control
  • New water soluble wax information

  • Modification of water soluble wax information

  • Water soluble wax data delete 

  • Water soluble wax information change

  • Water soluble wax data review

  • Water soluble wax information printing

  • Water soluble wax data export

Wax injection piece

Wax injection
Piece rate salary addition
  • Add piece rate salary directly

  • Piece piece salary import addition

  • Staff selection

  • Model selection

  • Enter the number of water-soluble wax

  • Enter the number of green wax

  • Production value performance production

  • Wax injection piece search

  • Wax injection piece list query

  • Quick search for piece counting of wax injection

  • Multi-condition compound query

  • Basic information query

  • Piece count details query

Wax injection piece piece operation control
  • One-click execution approval

  • Wax injection piece change

  • Wax injection piece modification

  • Wax injection piece removal

  • Wax injection piece export

  • Piece Loss Prevention

  • Piece counting

Wax injection piece customization
  • Field customization

  • Number customization

  • Customize details

  • Print customization

Wax production capacity analysis

Capacity analysis
Wax production capacity analysis strategy
  • Refer to available stock

  • Refer to safety stock

  • Reference order quantity

  • Refer to wax order type

  • Order number according to wax model

Wax production capacity query search
  • Query of wax product capacity list

  • Multi-condition matching query

  • Basic information query

  • Historical model query

Wax production capacity operation control
  • Green wax information printing

  • Green wax data export

staff performance

Employee performance addition
  • Performance information query

  • Performance related salary system

  • Performance review and approval process

Employee performance control
  • Performance evaluation score

  • End of performance appraisal

  • Performance assessment export

  • Performance evaluation print

Wax production scheduling

Scheduling strategy
  • Support positive sequence scheduling

  • Support reverse order scheduling

  • Support by priority

  • Support fixed production capacity

Inquiry search for wax production scheduling
  • Results list query

  • Quick results search

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Result detailed query

  • Related queries

  • Invalid status query

Operation control of wax production scheduling
  • Export of scheduling results

  • Anti-lost results

  • Send a notification

  • Analysis record query

Quality inspection and repair

Quality inspection rework added
  • Batch quality inspection and repair

  • Single quality inspection repair

  • Quality inspection personnel selection

  • Quality inspection method selection

  • Retirement quantity registration

  • Rework quantity registration

  • Cause registration

Quality inspection and repair query retrieval
  • Quality Inspection Return List Search

  • Quick search for quality inspection and repair

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Basic information query

Operation control of quality inspection and repair
  • Quality inspection audit

  • Acceptance of qualified products

  • Unqualified rework

  • Quality inspection modification

  • Quality inspection delete 

  • Quality inspection export

Inventory inquiry

Inventory inquiry
Inventory list query
  • Multi-condition compound query

  • Quick query of detailed records

  • Inventory detail process tracking

  • Inventory change record query

  • Detailed print record query

Inventory query operation
  • One-click inventory export

  • Print inventory details

Inventory warning
  • Stock upper limit warning

  • Low inventory warning

Custom settings
  • Custom export format

  • Custom printing format

  • Customize details

  • Number customization

Inbound and outbound

Adding wax parts into the warehouse
  • Direct storage

  • Bulk storage

  • Warehousing model selection

  • Safety stock number warning

  • Wax order related storage

Storage of mold wax parts
  • Inquiry list

  • Quick search in storage

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Storage information query

Storage operation
  • One-click import of storage details

  • Storage details printing

  • Storage details export

Out of stock
Add mold wax out of warehouse
  • Direct out of stock

  • Batch out of stock

  • Outbound model selection

Retrieval of mold wax parts
  • Outbound list query

  • Quick search out of the warehouse

  • Multi-condition compound search

  • Outbound information query

Outbound operation
  • One-click import of outbound details

  • Print out details

  • Export details export

inventory check

inventory check
Inventory management
  • Direct inventory

  • Inventory type selection

  • Inventory Approval

  • Inventory review

Stock counting operation
  • Inventory details with one click export

  • Inventory details printing

  • Inventory details modification

  • Inventory details deleted

Inventory customization
  • Custom export format

  • Custom printing format

  • Customize details

  • Number customization

Invoice delivery

Invoice delivery
Invoice shipping add
  • Delivery customer choice

  • Shipping type selection

  • Shipping information export

  • Invoice tax rate modification

  • Get orders in bulk

Invoice report
  • Shipping details report

  • Shipping summary table

  • Invoice monthly reconciliation statement

Delivery operation
  • Delivery batch selection

  • Delivery details printing

Customized shipping management
  • Custom export format

  • Custom printing format

  • Customize details

  • Number customization

Customer reconciliation management

Customer reconciliation analysis
  • Customer statement inquiry

  • Customer reconciliation model summary

  • Customer reconciliation amount summary

  • Statistical analysis of customer models

  • Refund payment printing

  • Reconciliation basic information query

  • Export statements by month

  • Export statement by model

  • Bulk customer statement

Warehouse inventory warning

Quick entry
  • Basic information entry

  • Selection of stock warning type

  • Sorting stock alert types

  • Add inventory alert style

  • Support multi-condition parameter warning

  • Support early warning of associated fields

Quick query
  • Early warning rule list query

  • Rule multi-condition query

  • Early warning rules information query

  • Quick query of early warning rules

  • Early warning rule query

  • Early warning rule change query

  • Early warning rule print query

Early warning rule operation control
  • Generate warning rules with one click

  •  update early warning rules in batches

  • Early warning rules terminated

  • Early warning rule modification

  • Early warning rule deletion

  • Early warning rules printing

  • Early warning rule export

  • Early warning rules registration

  • Early warning rules enforcement

  • Early warning rule approval

Warehouse entry and exit details

Exit details
List query
  • Multi-condition compound query

  • Quick query of detailed records

  • Detailed process tracking

  • Inventory change record query

  • Detailed print record query

Detailed operation
  • One-click export of details

  • Detail printing

Inventory warning
  • Stock upper limit warning

  • Low inventory warning

Detailed management customization
  • Custom export format

  • Custom printing format

  • Customize details

  • Number customization

Warehouse audit and checkout

Checkout management
  • Invoice delivery audit

  • Warehouse inventory deduction

Report Center

Report Center
Report Center
  • Aluminum mould carved plate table

  • Alloy mold report

  • Wax report

  • Capacity analysis report

  • Shipping reconciliation report

  • Employee performance report

  • Summary of mold progress

  • Reconciliation summary analysis

Customer testimonials

The system can be personalized, this function is very helpful to our company

Customer testimonials

The system is automated in many places to build orders, automate processes, reduce manual operations, and help us a lot

Customer testimonials

The search function of each interface of the system is very powerful and very convenient to use

【Exclusive customer service】 Real-time response

【Implementation Consultant】 Provide solutions for customers' individual needs

【Training Lecturer】Real-time product training

【After-sales engineer】 One-on-one face-to-face communication training

【Technical Engineer】In-depth demand expansion

In order to let you choose the product that really suits you
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