Telephone or QQ application
Cooperation application hotline: (86-20) 31079585 Cooperation application QQ (Click to send a message, or add 495747243 directly as a friend)
Cooperation application

Please fill in the following information correctly so that we can reply to you as soon as possible. The options marked with * are required.

Basic Information

  • Enterprise Chinese name:
  • Enterprise English name:
  • * <
  • *
  • Business address:
  • Postal code:
  • Enterprise email:
  • Enterprise website:

Contact information

  • Contact name:
  • Contact title: Please select (Mr / Ms / Miss)
    • Mr
    • Ms
    • Miss
  • work position:
  • Phone:
  • Office Phone:
  • E-mail:

Cooperation information

Expect cooperation :
Agent cooperation
Strategic cooperation
On demand
brand cooperation
Regional cooperation

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