What are the comprehensive characteristics and advantages of CILSOFT E8 series management software?

  Brief description of the main features of CILSOFT ERP production features

1. Rapid development platform

01 Simple to use, fast integration and shorten development cycle
02 Quickly adapt to business changes and improve software customization efficiency
03 Quick update and upgrade of the station system

2. Product advantages

01 Support full-text search, including every Form / Table and every field fuzzy and accurate data search
02 Support open source (support for supplementary R & D of functions such as your company's IT)
03 Users can customize the use style according to their own habits, including the overall system theme style,Each Form Table custom layout
04 Every Form / Table can be exported to Excel
05 Customize menu and system desktop
06 Support WMS barcode management, support the use of barcodes in the production process, improve work efficiency
07 Support third-party system interface (combined use of electronic scales, etc.)
08 Support massive data, database design reaches 10 million levels
09 System security: The system is divided into data layer, business layer, display layer and security layer system
10 Support cloud and localized deployment